Ch. 11: Getting Serious (Part 3)

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"Alexia-san, I have a package here for you, " Rei said as she entered the cafeteria. Alexia stood and made her way to the older woman. Rei greeted her with a smile. "It's marked from America. Your family must miss you."

Taking the box Alexia's lips quirked into a smile. "Yeah, I know they do." Thanking Rei, she took the package back to her seat.

"Is it from your grandparents?" Kawakami questioned, remembering that she had spent most of her childhood with them.

"Nope," she replied, her grin only growing wider. "My team."

"Oh? What did they send?" Miyuki asked, looking over at the small box.

She chuckled. "Considering that Luke's name is on it, I wouldn't rule out a glitter bomb. You sure you want me to open it?"

"Just point it at Miyuki," Kuramochi piped up with a cackle.

"Sorry but I don't feel like washing sparkles out of her hair," he replied cooly.

Picking at the tape, Alexia mumbled, "Better than washing them out of your ass."

Kawakami blinked. "What?"

"He booby-trapped the toilet once.

Interested horror crossed his face as he whispered, "Please don't open that."

"Too late." With that, Alexia tore off the tape and opened the lid. Streamers jumped out of the box and dressed a good portion of the table. "At least it wasn't glitter."

"That's true," Kuramochi said as he cleared his plate of blue and green.

"What's the letter say?" Miyuki asked as he peeked over Alexia's shoulder, making note of how the most irritated people were the one's not directly affected by the exploding box. Eijun was chattering away and most of the third years couldn't care less. It was second year and reserve members who were giving the now colorful table looks.

"Get off me and I'll open the damn thing," Alexia said as she tried to shrug him off. The response was a sharp pain in her shoulder. "Ow. Fuck you have a bony chin."

He smirked. "I believe the common term is 'chiseled'." A groan came from Kuramochi.

"You know you're hurting a pitcher's shoulder."

"It's your left so it doesn't matter."

"Oh jeez, thanks," she retorted as she pulled the paper from the envelop. She read the letter aloud to satisfy the table's curiosity.

First of all, fuck you for leaving us. I was going to put glitter in here, but Sev stopped me. He said that your teammates wouldn't appreciate that. I hope that they've been nice to you. If not, just tell us and we'll bring the whole team to kick their asses. On or off the field. They'd better not be acting like you can't keep up either.

Second, my parents just came up with a new sports nail polish. It's a lot harder and more durable than anything else on the market and helps strengthen your natural nail. It won't hit market for a few months yet, but I got permission to send you some. Colors are limited right now, but I sent you the ones I think you'd like. Let me know if you need more.

Love you and fuck you,


P.S. To get the polish off, you need a special remover that I also included a few bottles of. Feel free to let your teammates try them too!

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