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I went to the nursery where Maisie waited. I smiled at her and walked to the bassinet where the baby was.

I gently took the baby out of the bassinet and cradled her in my arms. She made baby noises and I swore I saw her smile.

"My sister is bringing me some stuff from when she had her daughter."

Maisie came up to me. "Just know that you can call me anytime if you need help."

I nodded and walked outside. I saw my sister standing there with her trunk open.

"Is this the unlucky baby?" She asked and grinned.

"Shut your mouth." I said and grinned back.

She came to my side and looked over at the baby. "Aw, Aaron, she's beautiful."

"I know. It's a shame she was left here. I don't know how someone could do that to their child." I said.

My sister nodded and sighed. "Alright can you pull your car up behind mine so it's easier to transfer all the stuff. I'll take the baby." She said.

I nodded and handed her the baby. "I'll be less then a minute." I said and ran to my Jeep.

I thought for a minute. Is a Jeep a good car for a baby? Am I going to have to get a new car? Oh god. Why did I think I can handle this?

I was about to have a full breakdown before I reminded myself that I wanted this. I wanted the baby. I can take care of a baby. And I have people around me that will help me. I took a deep breath and got in my Jeep.

When I pulled up behind my sisters car, she was smiling down at the baby.

"Is a Jeep a good enough car?" I asked, getting out of the car.

"I'm sure it is. You just need to keep your doors on." She said, pointing to my car that had no doors.

I sighed. "The doors are in my garage." I said.

"Want me to take her home?" She asked.

I hesitated. "I have a kid. Don't worry Aaron. She's in good hands."

I nodded. "Okay. Bring her to my house." I said.

She nodded and started putting her, the baby, in the car. Surprisingly, she didn't throw a fit like I expected, like most babies do. She was calm and didn't give Natalie, my sister, a problem at all.

"I'll follow you." She said.

I nodded and got in my car and drove to my house.

We lived in New Jersey, right on the water. I lived in a small ranch house, but I questioned whether it would be big enough for the baby and I to live in.

No, I needed to stop worrying. I'll make this work, I need to, for the baby.

I pulled up at home and Natalie pulled up behind me.

I got to her car and took the baby out of the car seat.

"Aaron?" I heard my dad say behind me.

I whipped my head around, and saw my dad with a confused look on his face.

When he noticed the baby, his eyes widened. "A baby? I thought you were single." He said.

"I am. It's a long story. Can we go inside?" I asked.

We all went inside and I sat down with the baby. I continued to cradle her in my arms. She didn't make a noise, just laid asleep in my arms.

"Listen, dad, don't turn this into a lecture please." I said.

My dad sighed, but nodded.

"The baby was left in the nursery with no record of the parents and no name. I wasn't going to leave her there so I asked my boss if I could take her and well, here we are." I said, looking down at the baby.

My dad grinned. "Why would I lecture you?" He asked.

I shrugged. "I don't know. I thought you would think it's irresponsible and impulsive-"

He got up and sat next to me. "It's brave. You're 25. Most people your age are not taking care of babies." He said and smiled at me.

"Stop. No sappy stuff please." I said and laughed.

"What are you going to name her?" Natalie asked.

I knew what I wanted to name any baby girl I had, whether it was biologically mine or not.

"I know I said no sappy stuff, but I want to name the baby Brielle." I said and looked at my dad. His eyes were tearing.

"Mamas name." Natalie whispered.

I nodded. "After ma died, I knew I wanted to name my own baby girl after her. It only seemed right."

Dad didn't say anything but I knew that he was happy.

"Nope. We're not gonna be sad," I said, standing up, "we have to get my place ready for this baby."

Natalie nodded. "I'll get the stuff from my car. A little help dad?" She asked.

They walked outside and I looked at Brielle. I held her up and she giggled slightly. "I hope you know that you have the best family in the world Bri. Biological or not." I said and kissed her forehead.


I sat on my couch, tired and ready to go to bed. But it was only 7:30.

I sighed. "Oh, my god. That's a lot of work."

Natalie laughed and sat next to me. "You think just setting up is hard. At least you didn't have to carry her for 9 months and push her out of your-"

I pulled her into me, my arm around her neck. She laughed.

"I'll be here for you Aaron. You need anything, just call. I live 5 minutes away." She said.

I nodded. "I know Nat. I love you."

"I love you too. You know, you got a good kid. She's quiet as a mouse." She said and sat up, smoothing out her hair.

I nodded. "Thank god." I said.

She got up. "I gotta go. Mark's home alone with Maddie." She said and rolled her eyes.

I laughed. "Alright. I'll call." I said and hugged her.


hope you enjoyed!

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