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It was about 11:30 when I finally got Brielle to fall back to sleep the night before.

It was so unlike her to start crying out of no where. She wasn't hungry nor did her diaper need changing.

I was happy I have weekends off because I barely got any sleep. I was up at 6:30 regularly whether I had work in the morning or not.

I had to go over to the hotel this morning to help Natalie plan and finalize a few things for the the 25th anniversary party for the hotel.

My mom held out this tradition of throwing a part every 5 years the hotel was open. (5 years, 10 years etc). 5 years ago was the only time we hadn't done it because that was the year that she died.

I didn't want to tell Natalie that I didn't think she should do it, because one, I'm probably the only one who thinks we shouldn't, and two, she would just get mad at me, because I'd be 'disrespecting my mom and her traditions." But honestly I thought it just wouldn't be right without my mom.

I sighed and got Brielle in my car and drove to the hotel.

When I pulled up, there were already delivery men getting boxes out of trucks. Natalie was there yelling at a few men when she spotted me and smiled.

She walked over and took Brielle from my arms. "Exactly what I needed." She said and kissed her nose. "Come. We'll talk in my office." She said and walked into the hotel.

I caught up to her. "Hey, so, Anya asked to talk to me earlier this morning." She said and looked at me.

"Oh, yea? What about?" I asked, but I had an idea about what it was.

"She told me the reason she's always late. Confidentiality reasons I can't tell you why." She said and smirked.

I nodded and grinned. I was proud of Anya. She sounded hesitant to tell me last night, so I was happy she told my sister.

We walked into Natalies office and she closed the door. She sat in her desk chair and sat Brielle in her lap.

Soon after, my dad walked in and sat next to me.

"Alright, so, I know mom usually always had a theme, but I couldn't really come up with anything. I kind of just planned this so it's the 25th anniversary." She said and she continued talking.

I got lost in thought. About my mother. About all of this. These parties... hurt? The anniversary parties scream my mother. These parties were her pride and joy. For selfish reasons, I don't want to be part of the planning. But this is what my mother would want. She would want this to continue throwing these parties at the hotel, and Natalies doing that.

"Aaron, why are you crying?" Natalie asked.

I looked at Natalie. I hadn't realized I was crying until she pointed it out and I felt the tears slowly streaming down my face.

"I'm sorry Nat. This is just the first time without ma." I said, wiping the tear going down my cheek.

Natalie got up and gave Brielle to my dad. She hugged me. "I'm sorry Aaron. I totally forgot that you and mom used to plan these together all the time. I didn't think." She said, squeezing me tighter.

I hugged her back. "It's okay Natalie." I replied.

"If you don't want to help plan this, you don't have to."

I shook my head. "No. If ma was here, she would want me to help out."

"She would make you help out." My dad pitched in.

We all laughed. "Yea, she would." I said.

"Okay," Natalie clapped, "Let's get planning then."


It was about 7:30 pm when we finished planning the party that would be happening tomorrow night.

"How did we plan this party and get everything for tomorrow on such short notice." Natalie said, picking her head up from her arms.

"You threatened to sue every company who said no." I reminded her.

She laughed. "Yea. I did do that."

Natalies office door opened and Anya stuck her head in. "There's someone at the restaurant who wants to talk to you. About the wine or something like that?" She said.

Natalie sighed and got up. "I'll be right there."

"I'll see you tomorrow. Be here two hours earlier." She said. 

I got up and checked Brielle who was sleeping soundly.

"My sister told me you told her why you were late. She couldn't tell me why though, confidentiality rules or whatever." I said and smirked and I walked toward Anya.

She giggled. "Yea. She also pushed my shifts to start at 9:30 and not 9 anymore so I had more time to get here." She said.

"See? I told you she would understand."

She smiled at me. "I want to assume you're going to the anniversary party tomorrow night."

I nodded. "Yup. However, I will not be bringing Brielle with me."

She made a mock surprised face. "What? She'd be the star of the show." She said and laughed.

I laughed with her. "That's too much for a week old baby to handle. Plus she has doctor appointments tomorrow."

She nodded and looked up at me. "Do you- um, are you... going with anyone?" She asked sheepishly.

I grinned. "No, why?"

Her cheeks flushed. "Do you want to, maybe go with me? As friends." She added quickly after she asked.

I smiled. "Yeah. Sure." I said.

She sighed, presumably in relief, and smiled. "Okay, good. Well, I have to go home. My roommate needs help building a new bookcase." She said and rolled her eyes.

"You want a ride home?" I asked.

"Uh, sure." She said. "Just let me grab my stuff." She said and left the room.

It's just a friendly gesture.

She walked outside the hotel, where I was waiting for her.

"My car's right over there." I said, pointing to the employee parking lot.

She gasped. "A Jeep Wrangler? Cool." She said and ran over to my car, despite being in heels.

"Thanks." I said and chuckled as I put Brielle in the car.

"I wish I had the money for a car. I usually just take public transportation to get to work everyday." She said as she got in the passenger seat.

"I'm surprised the hotel doesn't pay enough for you to buy one." I said. I was sure that my sister paid her employees well. Well enough to buy a car at least.

"Oh, I could easily buy a car. I should rephrase that. I wish I had enough money to both buy a car and pay my grandfather's hospital bills." She said.

"Oh. Sorry." I said nervously as I drove down the street.

"It's fine. It's hard enough having to pay his bills and my own. I just want to make sure he gets better before I put myself first completely." She said.

"That makes sense. And that's very selfless."

She smiled at me. "Oh, was everything okay last night with Brielle?" She asked.

I nodded. "Yea, it was weird tho. She had no reason to be crying."

"She's a baby. Babies cry. It's normal."

I nodded. "Yea. Normal."


hope you enjoyed :)

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