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1 year later (after first bonus, which is now unpublished cause I didn't like it)

I held Anya's hair back as she threw up in the toilet.

I grabbed a hair tie from the medicine cabinet and tied her hair back.

I rubbed her back as I placed a lazy kiss on her covered shoulder.

"I hate this." She said, her voice cracking.

"I know it sucks, baby, but it'll pass. You probably just ate something that didn't agree with you." I said, continuing to rub her back.

She sighed and moved away from the toilet. "This is embarrassing." She muttered, drawing up her knees to her chest.

"No it's not, sweetheart. I've seen you when you wake up." I said, teasingly.

She chuckled but then stopped. "No. Don't make me laugh." She said, closing her eyes.

"Sorry." I said, rubbing her back again.

"I think I'm gonna hop in the shower. I feel like I have throw up all over me." She said, standing up with my aid.

"Call if you need anything." I said, kissing her forehead before walking out of the bathroom.

In the bedroom, Phoebe and Brielle sat on my bed.

Brielle, who was now about 2 and a 1/2 years old, could walk and make mostly coherent sentences. Doctors say she's ahead for her age though.

Phoebe can talk but doesn't do it often. She stutters when she does.

"D-daddy." She said happily, holding out her hands.

I walked over to the bed and picked her up, swinging her around. She laughed loudly.

"Hello my precious girl." I said, bringing her down and kissing her face.

I sat on the bed next to Brielle and she crawled into my lap. I kissed her head.

"Is mama otay?" She asked.

We're working on her 'k' sounds.

"She is, baby girl, she just has a stomach bug." I said.

"There's a bug in her stomach?" She asked, tilting her head.

I nodded. "It happens when you don't eat your vegetables. And mama hasn't been eating her vegetables so the bugs come in and infest your belly so they never let you eat junk without throwing it all up until you eat the vegetables." I said, tickling her stomach.

She giggled. "You're lying, daddy. That doesn't happen." She said.

I smiled at her, stroking her hair.

I was so invested in my kids that I hadn't realized that Anya had come out of the bathroom until I felt the bed dip beside me.

Both girls started going towards Anya and she smiled. She accepted both of them into her arms.

"M-mama. Do y-you have bugs in you b-belly?" Phoebe asked slowly.

Anya looked up at me with a confused look but then looked at Phoebe again. "Yes, baby, I do. I didn't eat my vegetables yesterday, so now there's all these tiny bugs in my belly." She said, patting her stomach.

I smiled, because we used the same excuse as to why she was sick.

Both girls yawned simultaneously and Anya picked up Brielle while I picked up Phoebe, bringing them to their joint rooms.

This was their nap time anyway.

Once we put them down and assured they were asleep, we crept out and went back to our bedroom.

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