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"Are you sure it's normal for her to cry out of the blue?" I asked the nurse for probably the 90th time today.

She laughed. "Yes, Mr. Timmons. It is perfectly normal. She's a baby, she's gonna cry once and awhile."

I started panicking. I raised an eyebrow. "Yea, she's just usually so quiet."

"I get it. As a new time parent, you're always on alert when something happens with your child." She said.

I nodded and smiled. 

'Your child.' I loved that.

I sighed and picked up Brielle. "I love you, my girl." I said and kissed her head.

She slightly giggled at me and smiled.

I was absolutely in awe over her. At this point, even though it's almost been only 2 weeks, she's my pride and joy, my whole world.

"Let's get going. Daddy has a party to get ready for."


As I was buttoning my shirt, my doorbell rang. It was most likely Maisie. She was watching Brielle for the night.

I opened the door. "I am so sorry I asked you last minute and that you had to come here straight from work." I said as she walked in.

She shook her head. "Don't worry about it hun."

I slipped on my shoes and went to my room. Brielle was sleeping so I blew her a kiss, even though she wouldn't see it, so I wouldn't wake her up.

I thanked Maisie again and made my way to the hotel.

I walked into the hotel. I could feel the tension in the air, probably caused by my sister.

"You dingbat that isn't supposed to go over there." I heard her yell.

She saw me and walked over. "I swear I work with me most incompetent people. And you were supposed to be here an hour ago." She said.

"I have a baby." I said.

She rolled her eyes. "Whatever. Things are almost done here anyway so you're not needed." She said and started walking away.

"I really feel the love and appreciation sis." I yelled to her sarcastically.

"Fuck off." She said and flipped me off.

I laughed and went outside. I saw Anya standing outside on the phone.

"Yea, okay, thank you." She said and smiled.

"Hey Anya." I said walking behind her.

She turned around. "Guess what?"


"That was the hospital. They said that my grandpa remebered something today that he usually doesn't. They said that the medication he was taking could do that." She said, sounding genuinely happy.

"That's amazing." I said.

Unannounced, she jumped into my arms and wrapped hers around my neck.

She pulled back abruptly. "Sorry. I'm just excited."

"It's okay."

"So why are you out here? Shouldn't you be helping your sister." She asked pointing towards the hotel.

"My sister said I was late and wasn't needed. Then she flipped me off when I was sarcastic towards her."

Anya laughed. She looked at me and smiled shyly. "You look nice."

I smiled back, my face heating. "Thank you. So do you. You look beautiful." I replied, looking her up and down slightly.

She had on a pretty blue dress that accentuated her curves and looked really nice against her skin tone. Her usually curly hair was straight, going down to at least her mid back. Although she looked great with straight hair, I definitely preferred her curly hair.

"Thank you."

"Aaron! We need you!" Natalie yelled walking outside. "Oh Anya, hi. Why don't you help us as well. Since you're here."

She nodded. "Sure."

"Oh so now you need me?" I asked.

"Aaron, seriously, burn in hell."


It was an hour later and people started piling into the hotel.

When most people were here, Natalie went into the makeshift stage.

"Hello everyone. And welcome to the 25th anniversary party of the Oceanside." She said and everyone started cheering.

When everyone quieted down, she continued. "Now, usually the owner would make a small speech, but I'm gonna bend that 'rule.' Aaron, only if you want, maybe you can make the speech." She said and looked at me.

I hesitated but then went on stage. For my mom. "Good evening everyone. If you don't know who I am, I am Natalies brother. The last time we held on of these parties was about 10 years ago. 5 years ago, my mom died and we held off on the parties that year. She would be so happy to know that we're continuing these parties every 5 years. So remember that when you're having fun, you're doing it for my mother. Also, all donations made will go straight to the American Cancer Society for breast cancer. Your donations would be greatly appreciated " I said.

Everyone cheered and Natalie came back in stage. She hugged me. "Im sorry I snapped at you before. I love you." She said.

"I love you too Nat." I said and kissed her head.

I walked off stage and to the bar where Anya was.

She saw me and put a hand to her chest. "You're speech was sweet." She said softly.

I laughed sheepishly. "Thanks. I don't really like speaking in front of large crowds, so I tried."

"I get that." She said.

The bartender walked over to us. "What can I get for the pretty lady?" He asked, looking Anya up and down.

I saw her tense. I got a little angry myself as well. I could obviously tell that the bartender was a perv, but he also wasn't treating her respectfully. I saw his eyes dart to her deep v-neck.

I wrapped my arm around her waist and pulled her to me. "She's with me." I said.

She wrapped her arm around me as well.

"Shit, sorry man." He said, looking scared.

I leaned in so only he can hear me. "And so help me god if you disrespect her or look at her disrespectfully one more time. I can have my sister fire you in a heartbeat." I said and moved back.

His eyes widened and he scurried to other people on the other end of the bar.

Anya looked up at me. "What did you do?" She asked.

"Nothing." I said and winked.

She grinned. "Thank you." She said.

"Of course." I said and removed my arm from her waist.

We both sat on the stools at the bar and talked.

I heard a slow song starting to play. I found slow dances cheesy, especially at a 25th anniversary party for a hotel, but I considered asking Anya to dance.

"Do you want to dance?" I asked and got up, out stretching my hand in front of her.

She smiled. "Sure." She put her hand in mine and I led her to the dance floor


hope you enjoyed :)

edited 5/1/22

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