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  I was going over the speed limit to get to the hotel. I called Mark and asked if he could bring Brielle over to the hotel, and he said it wasn't a problem.

I parked in employee parking and went into hotel.

I ran to Natalies office. "Hey." I said, out of breath.

Mark was also there with Brielle in her stroller.

"I know her room number. We can go there, or we can call her down." She said getting up from her chair.

"I- I don't care." I said, growing nervous. My palms were sweaty.

"We'll go there." She said and walked out of her office.

I grabbed the stroller and thanked Mark.

As we were walking to the elevator, I bumped into Anya.

"Hey Aaron." She said, turning around.

"Hey." I said.

She looked concerned. "You okay?" She asked.

"Y-yea. Natalie thinks she found Bri's mother." I said.

"Aaron, that's amazing." She said enthusiastically.

I nodded hesitantly, biting my bottom lip.

"Aaron don't worry," she said, putting her hand on my arm, "you'll be fine."

I nodded. "Thanks."

"Aaron, come on." Natalie yelled from the elevator.

"Alright, I gotta go. I'll catch you later." I said and caught up with Natalie.

We went to the 6th floor and walked down a few hallways until we were in front of one of the rooms.

"This should be it." She said.

I stalled. I was about to shit my pants. Literally.

"Don't worry. Go ahead, knock." She said, motioning to the door.

I sighed and knocked the door twice.

"Coming." A voice said from behind the door.

This was real. This was actually happening.

The door opened and a small, young looking girl looked up at me.

"H-hi. I'm Aaron Timmons. I don't know if you're who wrote me the letter a few days ago, or yesterday-"

I was caught off guard when she jumped into me and wrapped her arms around my waist.

"Oh my god. I'm sorry, but I'm just so happy you found me." She said and pulled back. She looked at the stroller. "Is this my baby?" She asked, pointing to the inside.

I nodded. "There was no name, so I named her Brielle, after my mom." I said.

Her eyes softened. "She's beautiful. Do you mind if I hold her?" She asked.

"No, of course not. Go ahead." I said.

She lifted her and cradled her in her arms.

"Why don't you come in?" She asked.

"I'm gonna go back to my office." Natalie said and walked off before I could protest.

I sighed and walked into her room.

She motioned to the couch and we both sat down.

"I want to explain a few things." She said and started explaining a few things regarding her pregnancy and her life.

She explained that her boyfriends wasn't the best and that he didn't really treat her right and that she expected him to leave, but she didn't expect her parents reaction. She lived with her grandparents here in New Jersey because they were supportive, but she hasn't gone back because she was scared of what they would do when they found out she left the baby at the hospital.

She also explained how she dropped out of school and planned on getting a job to make a living for herself.

"Also, I wanted to ask how you would feel about legally adopting Brielle. I know that I'm going to regret leaving this angel later on, but I just can't take care of a baby right now. I know it's a big ask-"

"Yes." I said, feeling overjoyed that Brielle would actually be mine, biological or not.

She smiled wide. "I also have one more thing to ask." She said.

I nodded.

"Would you, maybe, let me see her once in a while? If I can't be her mother, I would at least like to be in her life one way or another." She said as her face turned pink.

"Yes, of course. You can see her whenever you like. When I have work, maybe you could watch her?" I said.

She smiled and nodded. She hugged me and squeezed me really tight. "I would love that. Thank you, so much. This means the absolute world to me." She said, her voice cracking.

"Of course. You don't have to thank me." I said, hugging her back.

She pulled back and handed me Brielle.

"I should get going. Brielle usually naps at this time and if she doesn't, she'll get cranky." I said, standing up from the couch.

She got up as well. "Thank you so much Aaron. I'm so happy I got to see her." She said, leaning over the stroller.

"Again, don't thank me."

"I'll see you soon." She said.

I nodded and walked out of her hotel room.

I felt so overwhelmed, but in a good way. I was so happy, not for me, but for Genevieve and Brielle.

"How was it?" Anya asked, showing up next to me.

"It was absolutely amazing. She asked if she could see Brielle once in a while and I said yes. She was also super nice." I said.

Anya smiled up at me. "That's good. I'm happy for you and Brielle."

My smile widened. There was a moment that we just looked at each other before she cleared her throat and looked away.

"Oh, uhm, this might be a bit out of nowhere, but I've told my roommate about you, and he wants you to come over. I totally understand if you might find it weird, but he wanted me to ask." She said.

"Sure. I would love to." I said.

"Great. It's this Saturday. That he wants you to come over." She said and smiled.

I nodded. "Perfect."

She nodded and started walking away but she turned back around. "Oh, and bring Brielle." She yelled and turned back around.


another chapter :p

hope you enjoyed.

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