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I walked into the hotel, excited to see Anya again after last night. After our kiss. We talked later last night and agreed to go out tonight. It made me giddy knowing I'd be going on a date later.

I walked into Natalies office and she sat in her chair with a worried look on her face? I couldn't tell.

"Hey, what's up?" I asked, sitting down in the chair opposite her.

"I wanted to talk to you about something." She said, getting up and sitting in the edge of the desk.

I raised an eyebrow and grew worried.

I nodded and she shifted on the desk.

"I was wondering if you would.... sell me your shares of the hotel." She said.

My eyes widened. "You want my shares?" I asked, knowing that's exactly what she wanted.

She nodded.

I scoffed. "Why would you want my shares?" I asked, standing up.

"Well, you don't really make..use of them. As the owner of this hotel, it would just make sense if I have them." She said.

I stood up. "Natalie, I'm a bit insulted. Mom gave me the event organizing and half of management, you have the other half of management and everything else. My shares are only gonna benefit you for the management."

"Exactly. I don't need event planning, but I want the other management half, I'll admit that, but I can put them to better use than you." She said.

I rolled my eyes. "The only reason I don't use my shares is because I'm okay with you having all management, that's fine. But the event planning, the only reason I'm not using that is because you insist on taking everything into your own hands. No, Natalie. I'm keeping my shares." I said, pointing my finger of the table.

I was so angry. Why would she think I would give her my shares? My mom promised me that event planning would go to me because that's what we did all the time together. She even told me that giving away my shares would be the stupidest thing I could do.

"Aaron, I didn't want to make you mad-"

"Then you shouldn't have asked for my shares Nat. You know that those shares are mine, ma wanted me to have those," I walked to the door, "I have to go home." I said and walked out.

"Aaron!" I heard her yell before I slightly slammed the door behind me.

I walked into the hotel lobby and right into Anya.

"Sorry." I grumbled.

"It's okay. Aaron, hey, are you okay?" She asked.

I sighed. I was in a bad mood because of Natalie but I nodded.

We sat down on a bench in the lobby and she looked at me.

"Are you sure youre okay? Did you fight with Nat?" Anya asked, putting her hand over mine.

I nodded, "Yea. It was.. stupid. I blew up for now reason. She asked for my shares of the hotel and I got pissy about it because part of it had to do with my mom and- it's hard to explain." I said, sighing frustratedly.

"Aaron?" Anya said, squeezing my hand so I'd look at her.

When I turned, her eyes softened. "Why don't we reschedule our date? You seem upset, and I don't want you distracted when we go on our date. Selfishly, I want your attention to be on me, and not somewhere else."

I shook my head, "No, Anya, I can go-"

She shook her head, putting her hand on my cheek gently. "It's okay, Aaron, really. Go cool off. We'll still go on our date, just not tonight."

"God, Anya, you're really an amazing woman." I said, relaxing my shoulder.

She smiled shyly and leaned in, kissing me softly. "Go home. Go get Brielle. You'll feel much better once you do."

"Thank you. I promise, I'll make up for this."

She scoffed. "Believe me. I will not let you go without going on our date. Who do you think I am over here?"

I laughed and stood up, "See you, Anya, thanks again." I said, laying a quick kiss to her cheek and turning towards the doors.


I picked Brielle up from Louis, who volunteered to watch her and brought her home.

I changed out of my scrubs and walked into Brielle's room.

I took her out of her crib and sat in the the chair.

"Did I overreact with Auntie Nat, babygirl?" I asked, but she was fixated on the fingers of my free hand.

I laughed. "Eh, you wouldn't even know." I said and kissed her head. I put her back in her crib and walked into the kitchen.


I screamed. "Oh my god, Natalie what the hell?" I said, putting my hand to my chest.

"The little girl just came out in you." She said and smiled.

I grinned. "Why are you here?"

"I'm sorry I pressured you into selling me your shares. I know that you want those shares because of mom." She said walking up to me.

"It's okay Nat. I'm sorry I was such a bitch." I said and hugged her.

She hugged me back.

"Anya rescheduled our date. Said she wanted me to be focused on her and only her." I said, pulling away from Nat.

Natalie laughed. "A girl with self respect and standards. She good, really good, Aaron. You're one lucky man."

I chuckled, "I really am, aren't I?"

She nodded and rubbed my arm. "Can I go see your baby?"

Before I could answer she was up and on her way to Brielle's room.

I chuckled and followed behind her.


***future author here: I don't rlly know about owning a hotel, so idk if the thing about the shares is accurate, so go with it :p***

anyway, hope you enjoyed.

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