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I sat in my car next to Anya in the passenger seat.

We were at the court house to finally make Brielle my legal child. I bounced my leg up and down, and my hands grew clammy.

Anya put her hand at the back of my head and started scratching my hair. "Everything is gonna be okay. This is what you want." She said.

"But what if they reject the adoption. Can that even happen?" I said, now drumming my fingers of the steering wheel.

"Aaron, come on. Why would they do that? You are more than capable of taking care of a child. They'd be fools to decline the adoption." She said.

I looked at her. "Thank you Anya." I said, leaned in and kissed her.

She pulled back. "We'll continue this later, but for now, go get your daughter."


I raced out of the courthouse. Anya was leaning on the car on her phone, the backseat door open.

I raced to Anya. "She's mine. She's my daughter." I said, tears spilling out of my eyes.

She gasped and shoved her phone in her back pocket. "Oh, Aaron, I'm so happy for you." She said and hugged me.

I squeezed her tight and I might've cried into her shoulder.

I pulled back and laid a small kiss on her lips.

We got into the car and drove off.

"Can you call Natalie for me?" I asked Anya, just about ready to burst.

She nodded and dialed my sister on my phone. The call connected to the car and Natalie answered.

"Please tell me she's yours. Please, please, please." She said as soon as she answered.

"She is. She's my daughter Nat. She's your niece, I'm her dad." I said almost crying again.

"Aaron, I'm so happy for you." She said, sounding as if she was crying as well.

"So am i Nat. I'm over the moon." I said.

She sniffed. "Hormones." She said and laughed.

I chuckled. "Alright, I'm gonna call dad. I'll see you later." I said.

"Alright Aaron. I love you." She said and hung up.

I pressed my dads name and he answered. "She's yours, isn't she?" He asked.

"Yep. She's all mine." I said.

"Aaron, I am so proud of you. I know mom would be too." He said.

I shook my head. "Dad, come on, don't do that. I know she would be. And thank you." I said.

"Always son. I love you."

"I love you too dad." I said and hung up.

We pulled up in front of my house and got out of the car. We walked into my house and sat on the couch.

I held Brielle in my arms facing Anya and I. "Hello my sweet angel." I said placing a kiss on her head.

Anya leaned her head on my shoulder and looked up at Brielle.

"You're mine now." I whispered then furrowed my eyebrows. "That sounds so creepy, god."

Anya laughed. She lifted her head and looked at me.

"I have a question." She said, tucking her legs underneath her.

I nodded. "Yea?"

"Do you see me fitting into you and Brielle's life? Like long term? Because now that she's your daughter and we're pursuing something, I just think that it's an important thing to know." She said and picked at her fingernails.

With my free hand, I caressed her cheek then cupped it. "Of course I do, Anya. The way I see it, you love Brielle, and you'd make an amazing mother- to any kid." I said.

She smiled and pressed her face into my hand. "I do love Brielle." She said, looking at her.

I pulled her into my and hugged her, and for that moment, it felt like we were already a family.


Anya and I sat in bed laughing at something on her phone when mine rang.

I grabbed it and answered. "Nat?"

"It's a boy! I'm having a boy!" She yelled, so loud that I had to pull the phone off my ear.

"Nat, that's amazing." I said. "We're in need of a boy."

She scoffed. "Please, I think you, dad and Mark are 3 too many." She said.

"God, why'd you call if you were just gonna shit on us." I said.

She laughed. "No, in all seriousness, now you're gonna have someone who's gonna look up to you and admire. That's why I secretly wanted Maddie to be a boy." She said.

"I heard that!" Maddie yelled in the background.

I laughed. "Thanks Nat. That means a lot."

"Of course Aaron. Alrighty, I'll let you get back to your girlfriend." She said and chuckled.

"Alright. Love you." I said and hung up the phone.

Anya cuddled against my chest and I wrapped my arm around her shoulders.

"Am i your girlfriend Aaron?" She asked, running her fingers up and down my torso.

"Do you want to be my girlfriend?" I asked back.

"Hell yea." She said and looked up at me.

"Well then I guess you're my girlfriend." I said smugly, even though my stomach did a full 360 turn and my heart grew 3 sizes larger.

"Wait, stop, seriously?" She asked.

I nodded. "Yeah, why would I joke about something about that."

She straddled me and kissed me. She pulled back and squealed. "Hi boyfriend." She said, through a smile.

"Hi girlfriend." I said.

She pulled me into her chest and ran her fingers through my hair. As she did, I dozed off.

why hello again!

I cut out the whole courthouse thing, cause I don't know how that whole shpeel works with adopting a child.

anyways, AaRoN hAs a DaUgHtEr! it's official woohoo

this chapter is also a bit shorter than the rest cause towards the end I ran out of ideas :/

hope you enjoyed!

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