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"Her birth mother?" Anya asked.

I nodded.

"Do you mind if I read it." She asked.

I got the letter off the coffee table and gave it to her.

I was beyond surprised. How did she even get my address? She was 16? Holy shit. That is so young. And her parents and boyfriend both abandoned her. God almighty.

"Wow." Anya said, probably in just as much shock as I was in.

"I know. What should I do?" I asked Anya, leaning back on the couch.

She adjusted herself on the couch so she was facing me, while still holding Brielle.

"Aaron, she has nothing. No family, no support. I think you should let her see Brielle." She said.

"No, of course. I wouldn't keep her from her own daughter." I said.

"Well how could you keep anyone from this cutie?" Anya asked, looking at Brielle as she booped her nose.

I smiled at the both of them.

Anya turned to me. "So, American Cancer Society? Is that... how your mom died?" She asked hesitantly.

I nodded. "She'd been battling breast cancer since after my sister was born. She even beat it for a while. But it came back more aggressive and that time.. she just couldn't fight it." I said softly, afraid that if I raised my voice, I'd start crying.

"I'm so sorry Aaron. That must've been so hard watching her go through something so terrible."

"It was. It was really hard. But she did everything to try to hide the fact that she was suffering. She worked at the hotel until the last week. She was... amazing, honestly." I replied, smiling softly at the memories of my mom.

"What about your parents?" I asked Anya, "Are they not around? You mentioned that your grandpa was your only blood relative left."

Anya frowned and nodded. "Both my parents are dead. They weren't around a lot either."

"No? You don't have to tell me anything if you don't feel comfortable." I assured.

She smiled softly, "I want to tell you. My mom just left one day, and I didn't really understand why at the time. I figured out that my dad was... he was hitting her. And my dad never hit me physically, but he did it verbally. He insulted me so much. He made comments about my weight, how I looked, how many friends I had or didn't have. He was... horrible at that time of my life." She said, letting out a shaky breath.

I moved closer and pulled her into my side in an encouraging gesture. "He died of an overdose, but at that point I had already moved in with my grandpa. He was my saving grace, honestly. I don't know where I would be without him. At with my mom, it was too late when I found out where she had moved. She already died. I never found out how." She continued, wiping a stray tear on her face.

"I'm so sorry you had to go through all of that Anya. That must've been really hard for you."

She shrugged. "It was. But I think it's what made me... stronger, if that's not cheesy."

I chuckled and rubbed her arm. "It's not cheesy at all."

She let out a sharp laugh, "Good. Thanks for listening.

I smile and squeeze her shoulder. "Thanks for telling me."


I woke up the next morning on the couch. My back and neck ached.

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