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Anya and I swayed to the music on the dance floor and for once tonight, I wasn't thinking about Brielle. Sounds cruel, but I guess I hadn't realized how I hadn't been out without her in a while (besides going to work).

And also how long I hadn't been with someone. Anya was a breath of fresh air. My life had been feeling empty for a while, and both Brielle and Anya together filled that empty space.

"Hey, you okay?" She asked, probably noticing that I had zoned out.

"Hm. Oh, yea I'm fine." I said.

She nodded. "So yesterday you told me Brielle had a few doctors appointments today. How did those go?" She asked.

"The doctor told me that she was fine. Perfect, even." I said.

She smiled. "Good. That's really good."

I nodded. "Definitely."

As we danced, I felt someone bump into me, but lo and behold it was my sister and as she walked by, she winked.

I stuck out my tongue and she laughed.

The slow song faded into an upbeat song and Anya's eyes lit up. "This is my faaavoriteee song." She said and started swaying her hips.

I felt uneasy, and it was hard for me not to look at her hips.

"I'm gonna go get a drink. You want anything?" I asked.

She shook her head. "No thanks." She said and got lost in the crowd with a few friends who I assumed were from the job.

I hurried to the bar and sat in a stool next to Natalie.

"What? Couldn't control your hormones?" She asked and cackled.

"Shut up." I said and asked the bartender for a beer.

"Okay, in all seriousness now, when was the last time you dated?" She asked, sipping her cocktail.

"Right before mom died." I muttered and sipped my beer.

"Maybe it's time you get back out there. And maybe you should get back out there with Anya." She said and shoved my shoulder.

I considered the idea for a split second before Brielle clouded my head. "No, we just met, and also, I have a baby to take care of." I said.

"I said this before and I'll say it again. An extra set of hands will do you no harm. Also, I wouldn't mind having her as my sister in law." She said and snickered.

"Having who as your sister in law?" Anya asked and sat in the stool next to me.

"No one." I said at the same time as Natalie when she said, "You."

My eyes widened and I felt my face get hot. "Alright Nat, I think that's enough for you." I said taking her cocktail glass and putting it behind the bar.

"Make sure she doesn't have any more." I said to the bartender who nodded.

"You're no fun. Maybe that's why you're single." She said and laughed.

"If you don't keep quiet, I'm calling Mark." I said.

She frowned and got up and off to the dance floor.

"What was she talking about?" Anya asked.

"N-nothing." I said nervously. How do you tell someone that your sister wants them as their sister in law.

She raised an eyebrow.

I sighed. "She said that I should start dating again, and that I should start with you. But I told her that I have a baby at home and that I don't have time for dating. No offense." I said quickly.

She laughed. "None taken. And I don't see you like that." She said, but I sensed a hit of doubt in what she said, but I wouldn't push it further.

"Same." I said.

I saw her yawn. "Oh, excuse me." She said.

"No problem. Do you want me to take you home?" I asked.

"No, no it's okay. I'll take the bus, enjoy the rest of the party." She said and got up.

I shook my head. "Nope. I won't be there to fend off any perverts." I said.

She smiled. "Okay then."


As we were driving, I had a thought.

"Do you want to come to my place and see Brielle. I know it's late, and you don't have to, but I just thought you would want to see Brielle. Of course, we can do it another day if you dont want to right now but-"

"I would love to." She cut me off, giggling.

Her house was on the same route to mine, so I didn't have to change the way we went.

We pulled up to my house and we both got out of the car.

I walked inside my house and Anya followed. Maisie was sitting on the couch holding Brielle in her arms.

"Hey Mais." I said.

"Hello Aaron," she said and got up. "Oh, you brought back a lady." She said and looked at me.

I rolled my eyes. "She's here to see Brielle."

Maisie laughed. "Okay. If you're gonna be home the rest of the night, I'll be going." She said, handing me Brielle and she grabbed her purse.

I nodded. "Again, thank you so much for watching Brielle." I said, hugging Maisie.

"Anytime hun. It's nice to meet you." She said to Anya and walked out the door.

But the door opened again. "One more thing. There's a letter on the table addressed to you." She said, pointing to my coffee table, then shut the door again.

"Would you mind?" I said to Anya, outstretching Brielle towards her.

"Not at all." She said and took Brielle.

"You can sit." I said as I grabbed the letter and sat on my couch.

I opened the letter and heard Anya cooing Brielle and she giggled.

I opened the letter and started reading it.

Aaron Timmons,

  I heard that you had my baby girl. I had her at Eastside hospital and I visited a few days ago to see what happened with her. The nurses told me you took her. They also told me that you are good with kids and would take good care of her. I am so happy that my baby girl is with someone who can give her what she needs. I'm only 16 and I knew I wouldn't have been able to take care of her myself. My parents kicked me out and my boyfriend left when they found out so I have nothing. I had planned on naming her Ivy if I decided to keep her, which I didn't. I wanted to write this letter in hopes that maybe you would allow me to see her. I'm not asking to take her, lord knows I won't be able to handle a baby, but just to see my baby girl.

Again, I am so so happy that she is in a stable home and I am forever grateful that you found my baby girl before she was put into some place else, like an orphanage.


"Who's it from?" Anya asked, looking at me.

In shock, I put the letter back on the table. "Brielle's mother."

why hello again!

I was feeling inspired for no reason, so here's another chapter.

I had planned on Brielle's biological mother contacting Aaron, but not this early on. but I thought it would be better now, idk it seemed like it fit into this chapter

hope you enjoyed :)

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