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A year later (after the 6 months)

Brielle, who could now walk and say a few words, sat in her highchair next to Anya.

I was in the kitchen with Natalie was was bouncing up and down with Isaac in her arms. "Wait you're seriously gonna do it?" She whispered.

I nodded, the excitement already coursing through my veins.

"And you're sure about this? You're sure that she's ready?" She asked.

I nodded. "Yes. I asked her a few months ago how she felt about marriage and she said that she was at the point in her life where she was ready to get married."

Natalie smiled. "Oh my god, you're getting married." She whisper yelled.

"She didn't say yes yet." I said and rolled my eyes.

"Can I see the ring?" She asked.

"Shes sitting right there." I said.

"Pleassseeeee." She begged, pulling her puppy dog eyes.

I sighed and pulled the red velvet box out of my back pocket. I opened it and the small princess cut diamond reflected off the lights above us.

She gasped. "God, that's beautiful. You had the money right?" She leaned in and asked.

I rolled my eyes. "Yes, I saved my last 3 paychecks to buy this." I said.

"Aaron, I'm so happy for you." She said and I shoved the box back in my back pocket.

"Why are we happy for Aaron?" Anya asked, walking into the kitchen.

My eyes went wide and I hesitated.

"Uh, he's up for a new promotion at work." Natalie covered up quickly.

Anya looked at me. "Why didn't you tell me? That's great." She said.

I smiled. "Yea, sorry. Guess it just slipped my mind." I said.

She nodded. "Anyway, I came to see if you needed help." She told Natalie.

"Yes, just let me put Isaac down then you can help me serve the food."


Anya and I were outside after dinner, sitting on Natalies deck, that over looked the water.

I bounced my leg up and down, nervous to propose to Anya. I knew she wouldn't say no, but this nagging feeling in the back of my head kept feeling me that she could say no.

She put her hand on my leg. "Are you okay?" She asked.

I nodded. "Yea, I'm okay." I said and kissed her temple.

I turned around and looked at the back door and Natalie stood there, expectantly.

I rolled my eyes at her and nodded. I turned back to Anya and stood up.

"Where're you going?" She asked and stood up as well.

"Nowhere." I said as I got down on one knee.

She gasped and covered her mouth.

"Anya, this past year I've spent with you has been the best year I've spent with anyone. You are the light of my life and I couldn't imagine anyone else being Brielle's mother. No words can express my appreciation for everything you do for Brielle, and no words can express how much I love you. I wouldn't want to spend the rest of my life with anyone else. Anya, will you-"

"Yes, Aaron, oh my god, of course I'll marry you." She said as she kneeled down and hugged me.

I hugged her back and kissed her cheek.

I pulled away and slipped the ring on her finger. I kissed her, and wiped a tear away from her cheek.

"Wait, I have something for you too." She said and pulled something from her back pocket.

She handed it to me.

A positive pregnancy test.

Now it was my turn to cry.

"Aw, babe, don't cry." She said and hugged me.

"Are you really pregnant?" I asked.

"I went to my doctor and he confirmed it. I'm really pregnant." She said.

The back door opened and Natalie, my dad, and Mark, who had both the kids in his arms, walked outside.

Natalie dropped down to hug us. I think she might've been crying as well, but I couldn't tell because she pulled me into her so tight.

Everything was falling into place the way it should've been, and I could already see Anya and I's future from here.

And it looked pretty damn amazing.


"I now pronounce you man and wife. You may kiss your bride." The priest said.

Anya jumped into my arms and kissed me. I placed my hand on her slightly showing stomach.

I was kissing my wife.

Everyone clapped. When we pulled away, I looked into the small crowd of people. Natalie cried and so did my dad. Louis cried as well.

My eyes were a bit misty as well, I'll admit.

We walked back down the aisle and out of the church.

The limo that would take Anya, Louis, Natalie, dad and I to the party hall was waiting out front. Mark was nice enough to offer to drive Brielle and Isaac to the hall.

Anya and I managed to plan a small wedding in 4 months, because we wanted to be married before Anya had our baby.

Our baby. It was still so surreal.

We waited for everyone to clamber out of the church.

When they did, we all got into the limo and rode to the party hall, that was right down the block from the church.

We arrived and everyone got out of the limo and into the party hall.

We weren't going to do the cheesy walk in's because there were only roughly about 80-90 people at this wedding. A small, intimate wedding was good enough for the both of us.

We were about to walk into the hall when Anya put her hand on my arm.

"You okay?" I asked, putting my hand over hers.

She nodded and smiled. "I think the baby just kicked." She said.

My eyes widened and I put my hand on her stomach. I felt slight movement and smiled at the feeling.

"It still feels like an out of body experience, Aaron. I'm married and having a baby." She said.

"I know. I never saw my life panning out like this." I said.

She smiled. "I'm happy mine panned out like this with you." She said, wrapping her arms around my neck.

"I love you Anya."

"I love you too Aaron."

and that's a wrap!

hope you enjoyed!

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