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6 months later

Funny enough, I ended up being my sisters nurse when she gave birth to her baby boy.

I handed him to Natalie who was slightly shaking and tears were falling out of her eyes.

I clapped Marks back. "I'll be back in 10 minutes. Congrats again." I said and walked out of the room.

As I was getting Natalies charts, Carlo comes up behind me. "So, you have a nephew now." He said, getting another patients charts.

I nodded. "Yup."

"When's Nat gonna get another niece or nephew?" He asked, grinning.

"Ha ha very funny." I say and roll my eyes.

"What? It's a serious question." He says, following me out of the room.

"We are so far from ready for that." I say, turning down the hallway Natalies room was on.

"Don't knock it till you try it. She might want another baby and you just don't know it yet." He said, pointing to me from the other hallway, turning around, and walking away.

I rolled my eyes again and walked down the hallway.

It had only been 6 months since Anya and I started dating. We had Brielle and we were happy with the small family we had currently.

I'll admit, the thought of having another baby had crossed my mind once or twice, but it's early and I know Anya isn't ready for that. She questions her parenting skills almost every other week, and I'm left reassuring her that she is doing a phenomenal job. Not that I'm complaining, I'd love nothing more then to shower her with compliments and praises everyday.

I walked into Natalies room and saw that my dad was holding his grandson.

"I need to run a few tests on the baby. I checked your chart, Natalie, you're all good and caught up." I said as I took the baby.

"We have a name." Natalie said.

"Oh yea? What is it?" I asked, cradling the baby in my arms.

"Aaron." She said.

I cringed.

She laughed and shook her head. "I'm kidding. We're naming him Isaac, after Marks dad."

I smiled. "That's so sweet."

She smiled at me, her eyes looking heavy. I walked out of the room to go run the tests on Isaac.


My shift had ended but Natalie was still here. I walked into her room.

"What are you doing here? Go home." She said.

I chuckled and sat on the bench beside her bed. "I wanted to say goodbye. What kinda brother would I be if I didn't." I said.

She laughed.

"Where's Mark?" I asked, looking around the
tiny room.

"He went home to take a shower and change, considering we've been here since like 1 in the morning." She said.

I put my hand over hers. "I'm so proud of you Nat." I said.

She cocked an eyebrow. "Thank you. I'm proud of you too Aaron. You have a daughter, an amazing girlfriend." She said and squeezed my hand.

I sighed.

"Whats wrong Aaron?" She asked.

"Carlo said something before and now it's bugging me." I said.

"He's not the sharpest tool in the shed. What could he have said?"

"He asked when you would be wanting another niece or nephew, insinuating that Anya and I should have a baby." I said.

She sat up. "I mean, another niece or nephew wouldn't hurt", she said and shrugged, "but that's up to you and Anya. Not me, not Carlo, not anybody else."

"But it's only been 6 months, and yes, I know, it was 5 months for you and Mark, but I don't know, she seems content with they way things are, and I don't want to scare her off." I said.

"You won't scare her Aaron. She loves you."

I nodded. "Thanks Nat." I said and got up. "You look tired, get some rest. I'm off tomorrow, but Maisie will be here." I said and kissed her head.

She waved, and I closed the door.


I walked into my house and threw my keys on a side table near the door.

I walked into my bedroom and Anya sat on the bed, Brielle resting on her legs.

She looked up and smiled. "Hey babe. How was work?" She asked.

I laid on the bed and rested my head on her shoulder. "Good. I delivered Natalies baby." I said then yawned.

"Get outta here. What are the chances?" She said.

I laughed.

"I'm gonna go put Bri down. I'll be right back." She said and kissed my head before getting up.

Should I mention the baby thing to her? What if she says no and things become awkward between us? I don't want that.

I groaned.

Not realizing Anya had walked in, she sat in bed next to me and said, "What's the matter, my love?"

I rested my head on her chest and she ran her fingers through my hair. I sighed in frustration and pleasure at the same time.

"I was just thinking." I said.

"About what? Talk to me." She said, shifting slightly.

"I- About our future." I said, quietly.

"What about it?"

"Do you want a kid? Of your own?" I asked.

She nodded. "I've always seen myself with a big family, so yea, I'd like a kid or two of my own. Why?" She asked, looking down at me.

"Carlo said something-"

She muttered an 'oh boy.' I chuckled.

I sat up and said, "He asked when Natalie was gonna want another niece or nephew, and I said that we weren't ready for that. Then he said that you might want another baby and I didn't know. Now I'm not saying that you do or you don't, but it just got me thinking, and I couldn't stop thinking about it all day and-"

She cut me off by placing a small kiss on my lips. "Aaron, I love you, and I would love to have a kid with you, but not right now. I'm only 22, having a kid of my own now at my age kind of freaks me out a little bit. I have you and Brielle and that's all I need." She said, her hands on both sides of my face.

I smiled and kissed her. "Things aren't gonna be awkward now right?" I asked.

She shook her head and giggled. "No, of course not."

"I love you." I said. So fucking much.

"I love you too." She said and patted her chest.

I laid my head down and she continued to run her fingers through my hair.


one more chapter to go (the epilogue). eek. and how tf am I almost at 1k reads. insane

anyway, hope you enjoyed!

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