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First of all..Really Sorry for being away for so long..!! Thanks for having patience..:-)

Happy Reading


There was absolute silence in the house. The jollity of the house was missing. Members were least interested to talk to each other not just because of grudge but also because of the uncontrollable situation. Dry air blew outside of the house in the month of May making the street too a silent place. The hot day had nothing good in it and this was not for one day. From the last two weeks the house was in the same condition. 

Ramdhari took the breakfast to Nanu's room. The breakfast was as boring as hell at times. It contained soup and other liquid items. Ramdhari nudged Naina, she was asleep by the side of Nanu. This was not a new thing she already had several sleepless nights and this was one of them. Ramdhari knew it was not her, it was her exhaustion that forced her to close her eyes and become unaware of the world or else she would never even blink her eyes for the sake of keeping a check on Nanu. Naina slowly opened her eyes and it didn't take her more than a second to jump over to be seated properly and take the breakfast to feed Nanu. Ramdhari helped her to bring Nanu's head slightly upwards. He was still unconscious but had the ability to swallow his food to recover soon. 

Naina got up to take bath and asked Ramdhari to wipe up Nanu's body so that he would feel  good. She took the clothes which she arranged in the same room and had a quick shower. After she combed her hair and took the vermilion box she found it empty. She headed towards the door to take it from her room but stopped amidst. She got reminded of the decision that she would not put her step outside the room until Nanu recovered from the painful state. She came back to Ramdhari who was squeezing the wet cloth while donning his work. Naina asked him to bring the vermilion from her room and directed him where to look for it but she also added "if things were still at the same place" with a pale face expression. 

Naina stood in front of mirror applying the red vermilion within her parted wet hair and saw Sameer's reflection. Sameer couldn't resist but smile with tears in his eyes. Suddenly a man of age around 23 named Moti stood in between cutting their eye contact. 

There came a beautiful girl with attire almost same as that of Naina. Saree wrapped around her perfectly with short loose hair that added to her appearance. Matching earrings and necklace which Naina used to wear but had stopped wearing it now. She came closer to Sameer only to hold her hand with a smile and growled at the young boy for blocking Sameer's way. 

Naina, this time didn't even feel anything. She had a habit of making her heart sink with every situation like this that now she is as hard as stone. Naina was oblivious of both of them and focused on keeping Nanu's stuffs at place and tidying the room.

"How's Nanu?" asked Sameer.

Naina didn't listen and continued with her work. Even if she's not affected by everything but she knew if she blurted anything it would be as poisonous for Sameer which would make him cry the very moment. Looking to the situation Ramdhari jumped in and updated Sameer with Nanu's condition which was stable in fact some improvements were seen as well. He also made him aware that Dr. Mishra was also about to come for the weekly check up and he would tell them about Nanu's condition in detail.  


"Great! I have never seen such a quick improvement before!" the doctor let the people standing around them know that Nanu was recovering. Sameer hugged Munna standing beside her and Naina had smile with tears in her eyes out of happiness. Vishakha headed towards Naina only to thank her in front of everyone. After all she was the one who took all the care of Nanu forgetting about her sleep and food. She kept herself indulged in each and every small things so that he would get better soon. She was eager to hear her name that he took with all the care and love. 

The doctor stood up to say "Okay so some of the important things you have to keep in mind is.." Sameer ran towards him to listen but got a glare back from Vishakha as the doctor turned himself towards Naina. Vishakha took Sameer to the other corner of room and said "Don't poke you nose in between Sameer, let my father get better okay! I don't need you I have got Naina to do the things" 

Naina understood everything the doctor told. She was relieved that now Nanu had his dose reduced from 5 times a day to only 3 times a day. The doctor also said that he could get back his consciousness anytime within a week, so what she have to do before the doctor reached. Naina was so excited that she started asking about how to treat him after Nanu got normal. The doctor smiled and said "Naina! let him recover first rest of the things I will let you know the right time." 

The doctor left and a man with an evil smile on his face entered the room with 2 bodyguards. He bid a Hello to Sameer and approached to Naina. As he got closer to her he clapped and congratulated her shaking his and with hers forcefully. "Wow! Nanu is getting recovered, and now Naina, I promise as soon as he recovers... we will get married that very day" Naina opened her mouth to say something but was interrupted by him "No No don't worry about the arrangements I will get it done for you, I promise" 

He turned around to leave the place without waiting for any reply. When he reached the door he turned his head towards Naina only to say "I love you" in a cheap manner and winked at Sameer. Naina hated Sameer more that he didn't even take a stand at this time. She countinued with her works with the same blank face and asked Sameer to leave. 


Wait wait wait before you say what is happening I would reply beforehand that...


And wait for the story ahead...

And ya
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