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When Naina entered into the room, she saw Sameer working still his hand on his neck. Naina looked for a first aid box which she noticed a day before while wiping off her makeup. She took the pain releif spray and kept in front of Sameer. He looked at it and understood everything, he looked at Naina who was already staring him. "Why don't you put it on my neck?" asked Sameer. "No thanks! I don't want to listen anything like... don't try to be my wife...etc etc" she said and rolled her eyes. She engaged herself in unpacking her clothes, "so should I keep this here?" She asked holding the cupboard and trying to remove some of his clothes so that she could make some place for her clothes. "Noooooo..." Sameer ran towards Naina held her by hand and slightly pushed her and closed the cupboard. Naina was taken aback by this action of Sameer, she thought he wanted to hurt her and he is still the same Sameer he was before marriage. "Sameer" she looked at him with utter disappointment, she didn't like the way she was being pushed by Sameer, a layer of tears formed in her eyes. "No no Naina...Na.." Sameer was about to speak something before which Naina was gone far from him. "Damnit!!" Sameer growled in anger and punched his hand on the wall. "Again..again I did this...oh god help me. Sorry Naina..there was your painting inside and I couldn't afford that you see it! I'm really sorry my dreamgirl, for all I did to you everything is my mistake and now I'm totally confused what to do. But don't worry soon I'll make everything perfect. And you'll have the same smile you had that day in your school" Sameer closed his eyes and thinked of the first time he saw her in school dress, playing joyfully.

The next moment Naina entered the room and saw Sameer thinking something with closed eyes. She understood it was not her it was his dreamgirl. "Your dreamgirl is waiting downstairs" she said. Sameer opened his eyes witha jerk and started to run downstairs. The next moment he realised that it was his dreamgirl giving information his dreamgirl. He turned towards her and asked... "what?" perplexed. "Just joking..sorry I have this bad habit of joking in everything." She replied with no expectations from Sameer. "No Naina you look so beautiful when you smile and when you joke" he looked into her eyes and said with a smile that showed that he loved everything Naina did. She too was indulged into his eyes for few seconds but soon realized. "Arrgghhh" she wait irritatingly. Obviously Naina was getting confused with every actions of Sameer that sometimes told he loved his dreamgirl but sometimes told he liked her. Sameer again ran towards room, this time told her politely "Naina sorry for pushing you like that.. actually that's my cupboard and I don't want you to touch anything, I keep my things by my own wish and.."

"..and I know I am not your wife so I don't have that right to do those this blah blah blah! I know what is coming "

" Naina I was not saying this...I was telling that you could keep your stuffs in this" Sameer walked to another cupboard and opened it, the cupboard was empty abd clean. "actually mom told me to empty my this and keep in just one of them so this one is all yours. You could keep your things here as much as you want..okay" he smiled.

"Oh. Okay. Sorry I misunderstood, thanks.." Naina was annoyed but still she had manners and the commonsense if someone is talking to her politely she had no right to reply in a harsh way.

"Aa..listen Sameer, I forgot, someone is waiting for you downstairs really!"

"Dreamgirl?" He too made fun and saw that smile in Naina's lips for the second time.


Sameer went downstairs and found nobody except his mother. "Mom, Naina said someone's waiting for me?"

"Yes she was waiting for you"

"So where is she? And who was waiting?"



"Yes..and you know her he hates when someone makes her wait that too her school best friend Sam!" Vishaka said putting the cup of tea on the table which she finished off the same moment.

"Oh come on mom I hate this name!" Sameer said while descending through the stairs.

"She gave you a message" Vishakha said and brought her hand forward, she was holding a piece of paper. Sameer took it from her hand and sat down on the couch. He opened that paper which read "Sameer I guess you are busy with your new marriage and I no more matter to you that's why I think I should go.. I visited here after a long time so decided to give you a surprise but you didn't come...its okay if you don't want this friendship to continue..its okay!"

"What the .... Mom she can't wait for just 5 minutes? This much overacting for just. 5. Minutes. ?" Riya was Sameer's school friend according to Sameer although Riya termed them as best friends since childhood. She liked getting attention of Sameer in all the things she did. Sameer, on the other hand kept distance from girls which he tried to do with Riya too but due to the family friendship with her he always failed to do so.

"By the way...what took you so long Sameer..did you start romance again?
Oh god! Can't you wait for another night?" joked Vishakha and grinned.

"Mom stop it! I was just telling.."

"Oh telling...that means romantic stuffs no no don't tell me keep that private"

Sameer held his mom's shoulders and said.. "mom! I was telling her...that this is your cupboard and my sweet mom asked me to clean it off before her daughter in law steps in! Oops sorry her dearest daughter in law. Understood sweetiee" he completed not before pulling his mothers cheek slightly. Vishakha looked at Sameer continuously. It made Sameer to inspect upon himself if something was wrong with him. "What mom?" He asked without getting any clue. "Sameer..." She smiled and continued "you know what? I am seeing you so relaxed and so happy I don't know after how long! Tell me honestly.. is there Naina behind all this happiness.. please say I am right" she begged. "Ah..yes mom you're absolutely right!"

"Naina is something... something beyond this earth, so beautiful, so smart, so much disciplined. Her smile is way more satisfactory than winning any award and her she looks pretty even if she is angry! Such a beauty dreamgirl" Sameer said looking nowhere but thinking of only one person. Vishakha was overwhelmed looking to this, her son was never so delighted since past few years he kept himself busy with his work and when he returned home, he used to lock himself in his room, what he did inside was still a mystery but one thing was clear he didn't sleep for many hours. Before that marriage, even on the day of his marriage Sameer looked dull and disinterested in all the rituals, maybe it was Naina who changed her son overnight. Thank you Naina..thank you so much! She thought and looked towards Sameer. "! Let me tell this to Naina...Nainaaaaa" Vishakha called her. "No mumma, no what are you doing no please please pl.."

"Yes mom?" Till that time Naina had already arrived to see Sameer holding his mom's hand restricting her to do something.

"Nothing go!"

"Naina I wanted to tell you that.."

"Mumma no!"

"What are you doing Sameer leave mom" she came towards them and took Vishakha's hand from Sameer due to which she unknowingly touched Sameer and this made him again forget all his senses. His grip loosened and he looked at her.

"Yes mom tell"

"Thank you beta!" She caressed her cheeks and said.

"Thank you? But for what?"

"Ahh..for..for making so much delicious food today. I really enjoyed it and Sameer too..right Sameer?"

"Ya ya yes mom was so sweet" he again looked at her and said.


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