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Dr. Deepak headed out of the ICU, everyone present there blocked his way, before he could speak anything they started asking about Nanu's health. Sameer kept quiet and stood at the place where he was. Vishaka had asked him to maintain a distance from all family members of the house after knowing all the past incidents from Naina. She asked him not to ruin any other thing in her family. She thought Sameer was the one because of whom this had happened, she believed that if someone is hurt and broken in their house, the negative vibes takes away all the happiness. Sameer too agreed to this somewhere from inside.

"I examined him" all family members payed heed as Dr. Deepak spoke. "The doctors were right it is a case of near drowning, he is having a brain damage and unfortunately he has gone in a vegetative state"

"What is a vegetative state?" Naina asked restlessly.

"It is a chronic state of brain disfunction in simple words, in this state, the person shows no signs of awareness."

"So when will he recover?" asked Vishakha.

"I can't tell you any certain time limit, it could be 15 days, 30 days, a year..."

All of them were shocked. They can't believe they didn't know when will their Nanu be alright. When will they listen to his interesting stories again. Where will they go to ask for solutions to their problems. All of them had tears in their eyes.

"Don't loose hope aunty, there is still 3% of chances he could be healthy in just 1 month." Deepak consoled Vishakha.

Naina wiped her tears, she got reminded of the fact that she would turn into a strong girl. She knew this was god checking on her, how content she was regarding her decision. 

"Can we take him to home?" Naina asked in a confident voice, Sameer looked at her and thanked her in mind for asking that question which was revolving inside his brain but he couldn't speak. 

"But at home we would need lots of medical equipments and proper monitoring."

"I'll take care of equipments" 
"I'll do the monitoring"

Sameer and Naina spoke back to back not even thinking for once. As if they were a team who didn't spoke to each other but their eyes and hearts talked. Vishakha passed a glare at Sameer, while Naina kept looking at Dr. Deepak. 

"Okay! if you both can take care of..."

"Not Both! only Naina, Sameer will have only one time work that is arranging and paying for the equipments" Dr. Deepak was interrupted by angry Vishakha. 

"Okay aunty, I'll talk to the hospital staff and you can take him by tomorrow."

As they waited for discharge papers, Naina and Vishakha sat together. Vishakha knew Naina could take care of Nanu well, she thanked Naina a hundred times for her love and care for Nanu and everybody else in the house. She also apologized for what her son did. 

On the other hand Naina knew, Nanu was not any stranger, he was the most lovable person in the house. Sameer sat silently resting his chin on his arm while Munna and Pandit consoled him. They knew the problem was much bigger than it is looking to other people in the house. 

Sameer asked Munna to tell Naina and his mom to go back home as it was already late at night. Munna did likewise, while leaving Naina said to Munna "I'll send you dinner with driver, have it please and Sameer is not looking well please tell him to take rest" Munna was overwhelmed to see Naina's kind heart, he smiled with tears in his eyes and nodded. 

"I'll not tell this to Sameer" he knew what Naina had to say to compensate everything. 


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