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Late by one day... Apologies!! But Now you can read it!!


Sameer's friends stood up late planning to rescue Sameer and make Vicky's life worse. It was when Preeti called up Swati to make her know she is back and was waiting for Swati. 

"Oh god! I forgot, I totally forgot she asked me to make the maid clean the house yesterday before they come and her keys are with me!" Swati panicked. 

She called her immediately and asked her to come to Sameer's office to take the keys. Preeti already found this weird that why would Swati be there late at night in the office?!  but she agreed. 

Soon she was there with Chacha ji and Chachi ji. Swati rushed to give the keys back with apologies ready in her mouth. Swati handed over the keys to Preeti, when she found Swati has written a lot of things on her hand which made her hand look blue in color. Swwati had the habit of noting important tasks on her hand so that even if she forgot, she would remind herself whenever she looks at her hand. 

Preeti took her hand and started reading....

Rescue Sameer.
Mr. Mark Plan.
Make Naina happy

Some were stricken off and were difficult to read. Preeti asked about what is all this but Swati sincerely requested Preeti not to get into this.

"Swati, this is related to my sister and her husband, how would I keep calm in this situation? Okay, if you say so, I'll not tell mummy and papa but please let me know about all this!"

Preeti requested and sent her parents back saying that she'll be staying with them in the office. Chachiji found it unsafe but Chachaji made her understand that Munna and Pandit are nice guys and will take care of them. 

Preeti got to know all about the past to the present. It was really  difficult for her to take all of that at once because she had absolutely no idea about all that. Naina never told her that she was struggling with a lot in her life and always greeted them with her adorable smile which never let the people know about her pain. 

"So we were planning on how to meet Mr. Mark because Vicky's men constantly follow us and we can get caught. If he'll get to know about that, he will definitely find some way out and we'll be in trouble." said Munna.

"Yes, and nowadays he doesn't even trust me" added Ruchika. 

The 5 heads got busy in deep thoughts to figure out how to meet Mr. Mark and take them to the Vicky's. 

"Hey! nobody follows me!!" exclaimed Preeti. 

"I can go and meet Mr. Mark" she added.

"But.." Swati started but got interrupted by Preeti.

"Hey listen! I can do it, you know my acting skills right?!" she shrugged. 

They all smiled and took a breathe of relief. They continued making the further plans and soon the night ended. It was 5 am, sun rays hit their face and their eyes shrinked out of discomfort. Pandit woke up with a jerk and asked everybody to wake up by yelling and make them move. 

"Hey! we missed Mr. Mark, he might be waiting for us???" he exclaimed. The other four panicked, while Swati took out her phone to see any missed calls or texts from Mr. Mark. There was nothing!

She got up and asked Munna to hurry up! without even looking to their tired face. As they went near their car, Swati checked the time and showed it to Munna as well. 

"Oh god oh god, what will happen now?" Pandit walked here and there when suddenly he got hit by someone from his back. As he turned, he saw Munna standing behind him with an annoying face accompanied by Swati.

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