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"What are you doing?" asked Naina having no hint why Ruchika has turned on music and that too so loud. She shut the door and sat enjoying the music ignoring Naina. Then Naina thought that she gave up on everything related to Sameer so why not this. She carried on with her packing.

Downstairs, Sameer went to Vicky to turn him with a jerk. "What did you say to her?" he asked in utter anger. Vicky glared at him, making Sameer's hand to loosen its grip on Vicky. He again headed towards the sofa to sit on it and pass an evil smile. He was testing Sameer's patience.

"Oh my god! I got scared!!" Vicky said following which he laughed wildly.

"You know what Sameer? I will finish you!" he spilled those words being content enough.

Sameer on the other hand had mixed feelings. One side he wanted to in turn finish Vicky and that would be easy for him, he would be able to live his life peacefully again. But on the other side, he had a fear for the safety of his family, he could not let the beast make any harm to his beloved family and friends.

Sameer waited for him to speak.

Finally Vicky asked Sameer to sit down and after which the imaginary story began.

"First of all I told her about your real dream girl!" said Vicky fidgeting with his fingers and looking at them proudly. Sameer got panicked. First thing, he was unable to figure out that from where one more creature came to know about the word 'dream girl' in Sameer's life. Second thing, he thought now who would it be? Did he tell her that Naina was his dream girl? No if this was true Naina's face would not have been pale, he concluded. Thirdly, he got confirmed that there is a jinx because whenever he planned to tell Naina everything, something or the other bad thing happened.

"You want to know who is she?" Vicky looked at Sameer sitting perplexed.

"Yes" he immediately replied. Vicky's smile turned into a grin and he said "Ru chi ka" giving all the pauses and expressions that would make him even more evil as he was.

Sameer stood numb, not feeling sad about himself but thinking about Naina, how she would have felt by listening it. He cursed himself, for again taking her into the same old situation she was into when Riya was there. He remembered everything word to word what she wrote in her diary, his heart sank just by reading them, how worse she would have felt!

"And... you have some plans for her as well!" Sameer snapped out of his thoughts to listen further what Vicky said.

"Wanna know?" he was testing Sameer's patience again and again, Sameer fisted both of his hands and looked at him with red eyes which had more anger than tears.

"Okay okay I will not make you wait.. The plan is.." he walked to and fro to build up a situation and suddenly turned towards Sameer saying "I will marry her" he spilled out those words without knowing that Sameer would have killed him just for thinking such things.

Sameer went out of his control and dragged him against the wall holding his t-shirt. "How dare you say this" his red eyes were darker and his hands had more than the usual strength to hold him tight against the wall. Vicky was struggling to say but his vague voice said "Sameer... the.. outcome would not be good... leave me.."

Vicky's men over there grabbed Sameer and tried hard to release him but failed. On the other hand, Naina was busy packing up while Ruchika listened to the loudest music. Vicky had known this beforehand that Sameer would make noise when he told him his plans. So he sent her upstairs to not let Naina know anything, or else, his planning may go into vein.

"Raghu.. D-o-i-t!!" Vicky uttered when one of the guy present there, called somebody and instructed something. Vicky again let out his evil laugh, even though he was in lot of pain. Sameer was perplexed looking at his behavior and loosened his grip. This was no less than an opportunity for Vicky to hit Sameer far away from him.

This time Vicky had an aggression in his eyes too. He slowly wiped off his blood that was coming out of his hand. Sameer didn't hit him that hard but his engagement ring too was doing its duty to save their marriage. Vicky rotated his head in all directions to relax his neck which was arrested by Sameer's hands a few seconds ago.

Sameer again experienced the fear which he experienced when he saw Munna and Pandit. He had goosebumps out of fear if he did something to them. Suddenly, he heard the sound of water from the man's cell which was kept in speaker by then. It sounded like someone jumped into a swimming pool or a river. He went numb, guessing if it was Munna or Pandit or both?!?!?!


"So Naina! How is mummy?" breaking the ice, Ruchika initiated but got no response.

"Naina! Naina!! Naina!!!!!"

"Whaaaat???" Naina almost got a heart-attack when Ruchika took her name out loud. Naina made an annoying face looking at her.

"Are you listening me????" she asked, her voice was nothing less than a loudspeaker used for election campaigns.

"Why the hell are you shouting?" Naina finally asked.

"Because you are not listening me, I think your ears need a treatment" listening to this Naina stopped her packing and stood in front of her keeping both her hands on her waist.

"My ears need a treatment? Mine?" she growled at Ruchika.
"Excuse me madam! You are listening the music so loud not me alright? So now figure it out who the hell needs a treatment" Naina shouted.

Ruchika was startled, she didn't think of innocent looking Naina would ever shout at somebody like this.

"Okay sorry! but I like the music, I was just asking how is mummy?" she passed a scary smile towards Naina who was still standing like a Hitler on her head.

"How the hell would I know how is your mummy" she again made faces looking at the pretty girl with no brain, who asked such silly questions.

"No not mine, I am asking about Sameer's mother, is she friendly after all I have to live with her right?" she spoke nervously but also trying to make Naina realize that her world was changing, actually having a whole U-turn. She realized that she took a wrong path and now she had to go back and find a new one.

Anger on Naina's face vanished and she sat on the bed which was more like a fall. She went back to the day when she met Sameer, she knew everything, why she didn't call off the marriage? Why she kept expecting good things? Why can't she stop her affection towards Sameer? Why she just went through everything and still she gets nothing, just a mere marriage proposal from a guy she met few hours ago.

Tears made their way through her cheeks to neck and then disappeared. Looking at all of this, Ruchika couldn't resist but sat beside her and kept her hand on Naina's shoulder. Naina unconsciously hugged her all of a sudden. That time, she needed someone so much that she didn't even realize Ruchika was the person because of whom she was crying.

Ruchika patted her back and broke the hug as it was a bit awkward for her. She stood up and went outside the room. After completing his packings Naina too walked out to talk to family and tell the truth. As she got down, she found a complete silence. She could only find Ruchika sitting and fidgeting with her mobile phone.

She went to her and asked, "Where is everybody?"

Ruchika looked all around as she was not here beforehand. "I don't know!" she shrugged.

Naina rolled her eyes and went to find Ramdhari. She saw him coming from the grocery shop. She asked him but he had no idea where Sameer and Vicky have gone.

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