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"Where is Sameer?" asked Naina in a bold voice standing in front of Vicky's door, holding hands of Ruchika.

"Just a sec... side.. side!" Vicky came finding his way between his men. He always hid himself from the people who came there, having a fear of police. But when he heard Naina's voice he got up and rushed towards her.

"Oh my God! Both the Queens are here!!" He folded his hands and stared them head to toe.

"Come let's have a party ladies.. And Naina.. let's get married come" he chuckled and held her hand.

Naina pulled her hand from him and slapped his giggling face.

"Don't talk rubbish with me and never think to get married to me EVER!" Naina looked right into his eyes and said. "Tell me where is Sameer" she shouted.

"Oh so this every time crying women is having wings now" he glared and went close to Ruchika with dark eyes.

"Does she know everything now?"

"No Vicky, she only knows that Sameer is with you and nothing else, she doesn't even know the reason of Sameer being kidnapped" Ruchika lied.

Vicky went to Naina said, "What the hell you husband and wife think of yourself ha? You want to know where's Sameer? wait!" He pulled her hand this time his grip was tight enough that Naina failed to free herself. Vicky took her near an isolated room, Ruchika came following her. He opened the door and threw her inside with a jerk and immediately locked it.


"Preeti are you ready?" Swati called Preeti sitting inside her home using her servant's mobile phone.

"Yes I'm ready just heading towards the airport" Preeti replied getting inside the cab.

"Okay then all the best, now it's time for you to show the acting skills in real life!" Swati exclaimed and disconnected the call.

She the called Munna to know about Pandit, who was in his office already so that Vicky's guards have no doubts and Munna was about to pick Swati up from her home and take her to a restaurant near airport.

When Swati was about to make a last call looking at her servant's impatient face because of her balance being used since a long time, she again gets a call from Preeti.

"Hello?!" Preeti yelled annoyingly. Swati skipped a beat hearing her unusual voice. Swati started thinking of all the possibilities that could've happened.

"What happened Preeti, have Vicky's men caught you?"


"Chachaji and Chachiji have come to know??"

"Noooo "

"Oh my god.. you met an accident!!" Swati cried.

"Swati No!! shut up!!"

"Then what happened?" she yelled.

"Send me Mr. Mark's picture. I don't know how he looks" finally Preeti spilled out those words.

"Oh Oh really sorry I forgot! Just search him in google you'll find him and if you have confusion best option is go to my linkdin and search for him in my connections. I can't send you his pic you know, I can't take any risk" explained Swati.

"Ya. Okay. Thank You." Preeti hung up tired of all the chaos Swati created in just 1 minute of conversation.


"Naina" Sameer shouted, seeing her suddenly lying in front of him.

Naina got up, removed hair from her face and caressed her elbows to get relief from her pain. As she looked upward, she saw Sameer sitting on the dusty floor, his face had cuts and blood marks, his silky hair had no shine now. His hands were tied tightly and legs as well. Naina doubted if he had his meals properly in these days or not.

She got up on her legs and slowly went to him. She sat beside him, nobody uttered any word, their eyes were enough to talk their pains and reliefs. She took her hands all over his face, she touched his wounds and Sameer felt like they were getting vanished. Tears started brimming in her eyes, looking to this Sameer came back in present. He hated tears in her eyes, knowing the fact that they were all given by him.

"Naina don't cry please" he said softly. His voice expressed the guilt as well as a pleasant request to his dream girl.

"Idiot" Naina said leaving Sameer perplexed. He would've expected a yes or a no or even a slap on his face, but what was this idiot for?

Naina smiled and said "Nanu told yesterday, that you are an idiot, and now I can see it as well!" Sameer satisfied himself as Nanu always used to say this to him but he paused and again turned to Naina.

"What did you say? Yesterday?" he asked in amazement, he doubted if his ears heard it right.

"Yes Yes Yes Yesterday!" Naina replied joyfully and made him know that Nanu is well now and soon he will be perfectly healthy as before. Naina freed his hand and Sameer jumped to hug her but stopped thinking of so many reasons.

Naina noticed this and without thinking for a second she pulled his hand and then wrapped her hand around his neck, giving him a tight hug. Sameer was taken aback and it took time for him to reciprocate that hug. He closed his eyes, feeling as if all his pains were vanished in just one click. The feeling he experienced was unique. Even if he had touched Naina many a times accidentally, even if he already hugged her once but this hug was different than all the things he did being with Naina. That day her vibes were something different, her way of talking, her way of handling him, especially her eyes expressed some unusual emotions. But nevermind, he continued to hug her.

As she broke the hug, one question he was being fired with was "Who is your dream girl?" she asked expecting a truth that time.

"Wha-  what do you mean? Why this question all of a sudden?" Sameer tried to avoid that question.

"No questions, tell me the name of your dream girl!" she asked straight forward looking into his eyes, making him mesmerized with her love.

"NAINA" he finally declared, announced, proposed whatever you wanna say it.

Naina had a satisfactory smile on her face, "So why didn't you tell me idiot" she said slapping his forehead.

"I don't know, I thought I mean, I can't imagine how you would react and I tried many times but your eyes made me lost in you and and.." he stammered.

"Shh.. Okay so now you should know this.. I love you!!" Naina stopped him and said with affection in her voice. This made Sameer cry out of joy. He always planned for how he would tell Naina the truth, about how would she react and tried to make it all perfect with cakes, balloons, flowers and gifts to make everything beautiful and memorable but this was beautiful than anything else.

"Naina, I always tried to make this moment a perfect one and maybe this was the reason I delayed telling you about this but I can't believe this is beautiful as well!

Maybe I'm wearing a dirty t-shirt instead of a well ironed shirt. Maybe my face is full of unwanted marks instead of my men's cream. Maybe my hair is tangled instead of shining. Maybe I'm having hard ropes in my hands instead of flowers. But the happiness, joyfulness, the satisfaction I'm feeling right now, nobody can imagine. My dream girl is sitting right in front of me and now I don't have to hide this with anybody"

"Naina is my dream girl!!!" Sameer almost yelled looking at the ceiling to make the world know about his dream girl!

"...and she loves me" he looked at Naina holding her face he gave her a peck on her cheek. This was enough to see Naina's red blushing face. She hugged him again to hide her face from him. Sameer grinned taking her into him.


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Next update on 20th November

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