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Shops were already shut down, source of light was only the street lights, dogs barked and ran here and there. Silence was all over and inside the vehicle too as Sameer drove his car without even having a glimpse of Riya sitting beside him. They stopped in front of Riya's house, she looked at him and asked - "You still worry about me, thanks!" 

"Sorry to say Riya, but now, I don't even give a shit for you" It was Sameer's annoyance that came out after what all she did crossing her limits. "It was Naina who saw that you didn't bring your car and she insisted me to drop you home, that's it."

"Oh, thanks to her then" she passed a reluctant smile looking elsewhere. She opened the car to step out when Sameer's voice paused her. "By the way Riya"

She turned to him with a question mark on her face. "Do you want to know who is my dream girl?" She stood up closing the car door with a thud. "I wanted to be no more curious here, but ya tell me who is she? Do I know her?" she stood folding her hands waiting for an answer.

"Naina" Sameer uttered with a smile and waved her a good bye leaving her with a thunderclap.


Sameer parked the car and ran inside to see if Naina is still waiting for him. He headed towards kitchen taking big steps but stopped midway only to see his wife enjoying a sound sleep on dining table's chair resting her legs on another one. He came close to her and whispered Naina to check if she is asleep or she sat just closing her eyes. He got no reply, she was indeed asleep. As Sameer shifted his gaze towards the table he saw bowls of delicious food which was covered by a glass lid waited for him. He didn't waste a second and immediately sat down to fill his stomach with Naina's amazing food she cooked. 

His stomach now had no space when he finished off his food. He made sounds with  plate hoping Naina would wake up hearing it but no such things happened. He knew Naina might've tired a lot, they were outside for the whole day and she might've worked before his welcome in her house too since morning. 

He came to wake Naina up after washing his hands and keeping the utensils. But his hands didn't want to wake his sleeping beauty up and disturb her. He thought for few seconds and the next moment Naina was sleeping in his arms. He looked at her and adored.

"You look beautiful, every time!" he sighed cursing himself for not controlling his emotions and thinking what wrath would Naina show to him when she will get to know what he did last night. 

He lied her down on bed and covered her with blanket. Sameer too was tired so he switched off the light  to sleep without putting the trail of pillows between them deliberately. He didn't want to. He thought he would lie to Naina that he forgot doing it if she asked. 


"But I'll talk to Naina also and ask her why didn't she tell me such a big thing?" said Swati in between her long talks with Munna.

"Swati, wait till tomorrow we'll ask Sameer what happened and then we'll take any decision okay" said Munna, consoling her which her was doing from past many hours. 

"But, why why why" Swati yelled.

"Let this Sameer come, first of all I will give him a nice slap" 

"Why didn't you slap him before, you knew everything right?" 

"Not for that reason Swati"

"Then why?"

"Because I thought when I'll talk to you, give my number to you we'll have some nice, productive talks and talk for hours but here we're talking about that idiot since 2 hours."

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