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It was late night the other day, when Naina slowly entered the house without making any noise. She came back to see Nanu, and Sameer's tensed face doesn't let her to go. She soon reached Nanu's room and found herself shocked!

Nanu was awake and he was struggling to get up. She ran towards him and held his hand. He looked at her probably the first time his eyes had the same gleam in  months. "Naina beta... Where were you!" those words were like a melodious music to her ears.

Her lips curved into a big smile and her eyes didn't even resist the tears. "Nanu!" she exclaimed. 
"Ramdhari! call the doctor..Ramdhari listen!!" Naina almost yelled at him to wake him up of his deep sleep. 

Ramdhari took few minutes to understand was it real or a dream and from where did Naina arrived? 

He ran with his sleepy eyes to call Dr. Deepak. Till then Nanu saw himself in such a weak condition. He couldn't believe it was so long in coma. He touched his face which turned almost lifeless and his body had the red dots that had appeared due to the syringe. 

"Naina, how come I became so old!" he exclaimed.

"Nanu, forget all this you sit, doctor will come soon, have water" she said giving him the water.

He felt a lot of pain in adjusting himself as his skin was chafed. His throat hurt as he was now conscious and can feel all his pains. Naina was unable to see this but made herself strong. 


"Don't worry guys, Sameer is fine he had his dinner as well, I was there with him" Ruchika informed as soon as she entered the office. 

Munna, Pandit and Swati were relieved to listen that and continued with their work. 

"Swati, call" Munna said while handing over the mobile. "Wait, International number?" They both looked at each other and realized that it could be Vicky's father-in-law! Swati picked the call up as everyone stared at her with curiosity. 

"Hello, Yes.. Okay sir...Okay, Thank you very much sir" Swati hung up the call and that didn't satisfied the other three. As they waited for the information Swati got busy with her mobile phone doing some work. When she took her head up, she found 6 eyes staring at her impatiently and with a disappointed expression. 

"Oh sorry sorry!" All three rolled their eyes and waited for her to speak. 

"We guessed it right, it was him! I mean his secretary, he said that Mr. Mark is coming tomorrow!!" Everyone jumped with joy, they were delighted to know that soon Vicky will have to suffer and Sameer would also be with them. Munna's eyes welled up with tears as he knew, the pain Sameer was experiencing all these days. Pandit hugged him and consoled him. 


After Nanu was done with his checkups, Dr. Deepak informed that Nanu is fine and out of coma. Naina, Ramdhari and Vishakha were relieved to hear this, the doctor also made them know that only 2% of people recover this early after going into coma. Everyone thanked Naina for her efforts. 

Ramdhari and Vishakha went to sleep while Naina sat beside Nanu. 

"Nanu, you know I talked to you every night like this when everybody went to sleep, I knew you were knot listening but I got so much relieved after telling you about my day" Naina smiled as she remembered all the pain which by the way she still has, always vanished when she told Nanu about all of that. 

"Naina beta, who told you that I was not listening?" Nanu asked, Naina's face turned into a perplexed one.

"I listened everything! The difference was I was helpless. I was unable to wipe your tears or console you, or tell you the truth" 

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