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One month passed, nothing changed much but a lot did change. Nanu had a speedy recovery, he now was able to sit on his bed and have food without the feeding tube, although his eyes remained close most of the time. He sometimes smiled seeing Naina around whenever he was in his senses. Ramdhari was now a pro in making those dishes, prescribed for Nanu. Vishakha, decided to stay there till his father is not recovered fully, she used to arrange the house and did extra chores of the house which was earlier done by Naina. She also used to have a cup of tea sitting beside Nanu and chattering with Naina every evening. 

All thanks to Naina, it was all her efforts to make the house lively much more than it really was. Vicky kept on coming to the house and always found himself astonished that how everybody is having a smile on their faces despite of having a sac of things to cry upon. Perhaps, he never missed taunting them or saying curse words that would effect them but for the sake of Nanu, no one reacted. 

Ruchika moved in with Sameer and she lived in his room. While Sameer was found busy all day long. Ruchika and Sameer were found together most of the time and used to see Nanu once in a day together. Naina, on the other hand had no sorrow left inside her, she was happy seeing Sameer happy and spent her day caring for Nanu. 

She used to feed him, talk about all her happy childhood memories, play old classic songs to cheer him up and what not?! 

The people of the house learnt to be happy despite of having a lot on their plate to get sad about, all thanks to Naina! Some of them didn't even talked to each other but never failed to keep a check on each other's condition. 

Swati and Preeti, along with Chachaji and Chachiji visited Nanu twice a week. Same went with Munna and Pandit. They spent very less time with Nanu everyday and then went with Sameer. 


"Based on all the information we got, and based on our experiences Ruchika and I came to a conclusion that what had happened with him in past years." said Sameer determined enough to kick this man out of his life as soon as possible. 

"We will talk about this later when the work is over, we cannot trust anybody in the office too! till then Ruchika will also join us" he added. Pandit disconnected the virtual call while Munna asked Sameer where Ruchika was. 

"She is out for some final researches, she has gone to Vicky's place" said Sameer in a tensed tone. He was afraid what if they would found something suspicious about her. 

"Don't worry Sameer, she is a good actress since our school days, you know it!" said Munna casually, getting up to proceed with his office work. 

They all worked as a team all these days but also they never missed any sort of work related to office. Sameer learnt this from Naina, being 'proactive' in all the situations. Firstly, this helped them to keep their office work on track as well as Vicky never doubted them. 


Naina stood by the window, as usual listening songs along with Nanu, holding her diary and a cool breeze of air entered the room, making her tied hair to set loose some of her strands and disturb reading her diary. On the other hand, Sameer had video called Ramdhari to find some important papers kept in his room, which he forgot to bring. Ramdhari kept the mobile phone in a position from where Naina was quite visible but Sameer didn't notice.

"Dil ne kaha.. Chupke se.." the line gathered his attention to the call and all he could see was Naina struggling with her hairs and looking for a hair clip. He didn't notice when his lips were curved into a smile. 

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