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"Naina mummy is asking me to take you all home as well" said Preeti while sitting into the car.

"How did she know we all are together?" asked Naina. Preeti as well didn't know answer to this so she simply shrugged.

As they reached home, they found Vishakha and Nanu were already there. They were more confused. But Sameer was content that Nanu has told my story to three more people now.

"I knew it, Nanu can't keep anything to himself, I'm not going inside" he turned back towards the car. Munna pulled him with his arms.

"Hey bro say it clearly, what he can't keep to himself?" asked Munna.

"My dream girl story, Vicky's story everything!"

'Ooooohhh" exclaimed everyone except Naina. She looked at him shyly.

"But why you don't want to come inside?" asked Naina.

"Chachaji and chachiji will scold me, for not keeping her daughter happy, making her cry all these months" Sameer said this and tears brimmed in her eyes which he wanted to hide.

Naina was awed by seeing the love Sameer has for her. She noticed all those tears that came out of her eyes.

"Nothing will happen, come with me." she said consoling him. She took his hand and headed inside with a smile on her lips.

"Sameer beta, are you alright?" chachaji asked out of concern.

"Yes chachaji" he didn't made an eye contact and just looked at Nanu and asked. "Told everything?" he got a thumbs up from his side. He just wanted to slap his forehead but couldn't as everybody was standing staring at him.

Vishakha came close to him and apologized for all the curse words she said to him. Sameer was overwhelmed, he never cared about anyone in life, he ignored every curse words from others but when his mom said anything to him, he always got hurt.

Sameer hugged Vishakha tightly to compensate all those days she didn't even look at him.

"Hey but!" Vishakha broke the hug.

"I'm still angry for what you did with my daughter-in-law" she stared at him.

"How much time you wanted to tell her the truth ha? a whole decade?" she slapped his cheek and everyone laughed.

"Idiot!" murmured Nanu which was loud enough for the other people to listen.

Sameer said sorry to his mom. He then turned to chachaji and chachiji and apologized to them as well.

"I'm sorry, I couldn't keep Naina happy all these days, I made her cry, I gave her lots of pain but I can promise now that no more tears will come in her eyes again. I'll give her all the happiness she deserves and will love her to the fullest" he said his heart out.

"No Sameer, in fact we are happy that we chose you for Naina, none other than you would be perfect for her." said chachiji, keeping her hand on his shoulder.

"And now, sorry Preeti, sorry Swati, sorry Nai--"

"Shh" Naina interrupted. "Now stop this sorry session, I don't need any sorry, come here!" she commanded him to just stand beside her. Everyone laughed. Chachiji had made lunch for everybody so she asked to take their seat in dinning table.

"So what you want madam?" Sameer asked with a mischievous expression. Naina looked at him with a surprise on her face. "I think.. it was better when I didn't know anything about your dream girl"

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