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Her heart skipped a beat. She didn't had the courage to utter a word or else she would end up crying in the phone call. "I-I'll call you in few minutes wait" She immediately hung up the call and burst out crying. She closed the door and confirmed that Preeti is asleep after all the excitement she showered on her sister and sat on floor hugging her knees so that she doesn't make noise. Her eyes turned red and exhausted of crying as she remembered what just happened few hours back. 

Naina sat with a heavy heart in Sameer's room writing her heart out in the diary as she wrote, tears brimmed in her eyes, it was immense pain she experienced. As she continued writing, she heard the cordless ringing. She waited for someone to pick it up downstairs but no one did. She then got up and answered it. A sound of chaos entered her ear as if it was a crowded place, she was about to cut it when she heard some announcement. "Okay so Sameer, please...". She payed heed to confirm if it was his Sameer in the call. "Riya please come forward" as she took steps she could sense that she was walking, she knew who called her. Naina said "Hello Riya?" but no one answered. 

"Dream girl, dream girl..kisi shayar ki ghazal dream girl 
Kisi jheel ka kawal..dream girl
Kahi toh milegi, kabhi toh milegi
aaj nahi toh kal"

"Are mil gayi". Said Riya after Sameer completed his song and the call disconnected. Nain misunderstood the whole scenario which was set up by one and only Riya. She felt an unbearable pain in her heart. Her brimmed eyes now had tears in it. She hitched, controlling herself a lot. Finally she got up wiping her tears. She decided to go back home, Sameer got his dream girl and as he said he would kick me out, it's better to go by herself. She washed her face to hide her pain inside and went to Vishsakha. She was sitting in garden with her father, enjoying the evening tea. 

Looking at Naina's face, Nanu  asked "What happened Naina, is everything alright?" She controlled her emotions and passed him a fake smile saying "Yes yes Nanu everything is perfectly fine..I just wanted to ask you if I could go home for some days?" she pouted pretending to be missing her home a lot. 

"Oh yes Naina, we were just discussing if you wanted to go home" said Vishakha.

"Thank you so much mummy ji" she immediately turned around and ran to change her clothes. She didn't bothered about packing her clothes, she had many of them at her home. At that time all the things she wanted was jo just go 'HOME' he home, where she is been cared and loved and no one would kick her out. In no time she was home hugging and meeting her beloved chacaji and chachiji. Preeti came late, she went to some birthday party of her friend. Then they had lunch and Preeti promised Naina to that she would talk to her a lot but the next day as she was so much tired of party. 

Naina looked at her jolly sister who had no tension in her life and regretted why did she hide such a big thing from her till date. She decided to tell her everything the other day. She finally got up to sleep when her mobile phone ringed. It was Sameer, she bit her tongue that she forgot to call him back. But the other moment she was in despair thing now what is left to talk about.

She picked it up and said "Hello" in a low voice.

"Naina" he only took her name but that one word had lots of emotions. It reflected how much he needed her, how much he missed her. "Hmm.." Naina too didn't had any words to utter.

"Naina why did you go?"

"Actually I was missing everyone that's why, and now you've got your dream g-"

"Are dream girl jaaye bhaad me!" He replied thinking of Riya, but the other moment he realized of the truth Naina was unaware of. "I mean Naina, listen I haven't got any dream girl and never will I get. Just just listen to me... I know Naina, I did wrong to you, I disappointed you in our first meeting, but then I realized whatever I did was totally wrong. See I'll never get my dream girl okay, so am I wasting my time thinking of her just keep her aside, just just forget her" Naina listened to him patiently. "But Riya?" She only had one question in her mind.

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