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SPOILER ALERT: A No Riya Chapter ;-P

Happy reading!


It was 1 pm when they all finished their lunch. Every person in house was not less than enthusiastic. All had their own reasons of happiness. Naina was happy to see a changed Sameer who at least took the pain to buy her a gift that too so beautiful that she held it till the time she had to serve and have lunch. Sameer seemed happy because his dream girl was happy which he hadn't seen till date, he never failed to take a glance every 5 minutes of his wife and on the contrary his eyes met with Preeti beside her. Preeti was delighted to have her most awaited gift, she was always found searching for a teddy bear that should be very soft and big one, Sameer once saw her doing the same and thus bought it for her. Chachaji and Chachiji were enjoying his son-in-law's company for the first time, since his marriage with Naina. He always remained busy with his office stuffs or other things, while Anand never asked him to spend time with them as he thought Sameer might have lots of work after all he was managing such a big company of Mr. Jaiprakash Maheshwari.

"Naina! spend time with them it's okay after all my dear sister-in-law have complained that I don't let you  to be with her beloved sister" said Sameer looking at Preeti with raised eyebrows.

"Not only sister by the way her husban too" she joked and they all laughed.

Anand and Bela went to have an afternoon nap letting the young ones spend some time. Preeti got busy in arranging plates and ordered Naina to give company to Sameer. There was an awkward silence between the two for few minutes. Naina was content that she would never initiate any talk in the situation, Riya being his dream girl or not was still not clear in her mind. Sameer on the other hand took a few minutes to gain a bit of courage, no matter how charming he seem to other people and how straight forward person he was, his voice always broke talking to Naina and the butterflies in his stomach started flying here and there. But soon after remembering his Nanu's words that if he won't talk to her how would she have faith on him. He initiated.

"We'll leave by 4 is it okay?" he asked as politely he could. Naina, whose eyes were stuck on the black ant roaming on the floor looked at him for few seconds and responded with "Yes" 

Now she thought it was her turn to speak something. "Have you informed Ramdhari?" she too didn't know why she asked such a question, maybe it was the only question she could think of to say something.

"Ramdhari, my foot" Sameer murmered. "What?" Naina asked, she hadn't listened anything.

"I-I mean there's no need to tell him, why are you even asking about him?" Sameer passed a smile, for which his jaws had pain because it was a fake one.

"Ya right why am I asking about him" Naina whispered to herself in emabarrasment.

"Oh for dinner?"

"Yes Yes" awkwardness between the two was increasing. Thanks to Preeti she arrived soon after cleaning everything. 

Don't worry about dinner Naina Sameer thought looking at her and chose to leave the topic.

Preeti started showing their school and college pictures to him. There were all kinds of photos of Naina, there were other people too- Preeti, Swati, Kamya and others but his eyes didn't let him look at them. It only focused on Naina and nowhere else. He saw Naina, in her inter-state dance costume, she looked adorable posing one of her dance steps. After that he saw her in blue color lehnga she wore on the drama day with heavy jewelry, she indeed looked like a queen. While swapping  through pictures he suddenly saw her in her white and blue school uniform his eyes stuck over there. The first time he saw her and that picture looked same. He might have forgotten the small details of her looks with passing years but that picture again reminded him of that day. His face suddenly had a wide  smile, his eyes blushed. Preeti didn't miss to see his red face while Naina busied herself with her phone. 

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