exploding skull

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"Right, we don't have the time to cry over this dead body. We are running out of time," Sisil says that.

"Okay... okay ... this is so ... terrifying ... but we need to stay focused  ... I have no idea though how  could it lead to exploding skull ... That was bizarre..." Arvia adds.

"Okay... so what we have to do is to get Alex's phone and learn about how does the drone work..." Sisil says, firmly.

She searches Alex phone and then she grabs it, showing it to her friends before finally she says, "Oh... no.... we can't unlock this phone. It is secured with biometric scan... We need at least his retina scan or fingerprint to get the access..."

"Bruh, couldn't we just use the password instead??? There are no way can we get those biometrics info. He's dead afterall," Renka sighs.

"Yeah, we could actually but its 10 fucking characters password how can we crack this oh my goodnesss...." Sisil replies with frustration.

"Right, we were all with Alex all the time, and we all are going to get infected too nevertheless. Anywaysss ... ya... better go with the fingerprint?? We have no choice, guys..." Arvia explains.

Now they are facing the truth, well, they may have been infected too, anyways... it's just waiting for the incubation period of the bacteria for the symptoms to finally kick in.

They rushed to the bathroom, panicking, only to find out that now his body is nowhere to be seen. The pool of blood and the skull is still there, though.

Renka was like, "Man... this is crazy... where do you think he is going..." as she shakes her head then she adds, "How are we going to get the fucking fingerprint, thennn??"

Sisil thinks for a while before she says, "Uhmm... the retina? The skull is still there????"

Alright, now they find the skull in the washbasin, with the brain is nowhere to be found. Well, actually... forget the skull... They need the retina. So Sisil holds Alex's skull, opening the layer of skin which closing his eyes. It was fucking red, it was a pool of blood, coagulated in front of his eyes.

She pulls Alex eyes out of the skull. It took a while before finally the optic nerve snapped out and she got one of the eyeballs out. She holds it gently, washes it with some running water from the tap. She rubs the eye until finally the coagulated blood wears off as the water washes it out. It reveals the retina.

"Right? Get me the phone!" Sisil says.

Arvia shows her a phone, opening it, and turns the phone so it is facing the eyeball retina. Click, the iris scan is successful. The phone is now successfully unlocked. They had to change the password first before finally the eyeball deteriorates, or else wouldn't be able to be used anymore for the biometric scanning. Sisil changes the biometric password to just a regular password, a 4 digits pin instead, 1234. Yes, as simple as that. Well, it's better than using a dead man's eyeball, right?

Alright, now we need to open the application and learned all the controls and so on, they thought...

-Alex POV-
an hour before the tragedy
I had a sudden 'panic attack' kind of things and I almost had a 'meltdown' so I decided to go to the toilet.

Alright, why everything is so blurry? I feel so detached from reality... Like I shouldn't been here at all. Am I even real? What... wha- wait... what?

Shit, my mind... I wanna escape my body, for sure... Why am I even here? Can I escape??? Please I wanna go... I wanna escape... I think my body is such a prison.

"you've known too much!" I don't know who said that, is this an auditory hallucinations?

"you should've shut your god damn mouth, dude!" the hallucinations become more intense.

"you'll die. just like how i die .... slow .. painful... death"

wait, isn't that... Tristan's voice??? shit ... damn... is he trying to get his revenge?

I lost control of my body, it just spin around like crazy, I can't do anything about that. I throw my body to the washbasin, to the bathtub, to the shower, to the wall.

I didn't have any control of everything. I keep banging my head to the walls. I have no idea on why do I decapitate myself with a knife.. I don't even remember when did I even take the knife here. It was a dull knife. It was so painful... I see my blood dripping everywhere, yet I can't stop...

The pain was so intense.... to the point I couldn't feel anything and I lost consciousness...

I have no consciousness until I see that I was free to roam now... I see my body behind in the bathtub, laying in a pool of blood. My skull exploded and I see Sisil and my friends terrified.

I am sorry, I don't understand too on whats happening...

*splits a second*

Where did I go? Is this another dimension?

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