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They discussed on how to drain Lainey and Teddy's blood. Daria says, "We need to decapitate them, and hang them upside down and let their blood drained by gravity from the carotid artery (the arteries in the neck). We can use this butcher knife to chop their head the fuck out of their bodies!"

"Alright, how to hang their bodies?" Arvia asks.

"Alright btw guys can I just go to the bedroom instead because I am literally traumatized by everything..." Melisa says as she excuses herself.

After Melisa goes to the bedroom, they continues. Sisil then gives them an idea, "We need to attached their legs to the door frame. We can tied their legs and put a bucket underneath!"

"True, so we need some rope and a bucket!" Arvia adds.

They prepare everything needed to drain the blood, from the butcher knife to the bucket. They drive with Sisil's car to the house and park it in front of the house garage. They enter the house from the vent system just like how the drone did. Both Lainey and Teddy are laying in the floor. They checked for any signs of life, breathing and heartbeat. It seems like they have died, they couldn't recognize any beat or a breathing movement.

"Are we going to decapitate them first or hang them first?" Renka asks.

"Hang them first of course so there would be no wasted blood!" Sisil replies.

Arvia and Sisil tied Lainey's leg upside down at the kitchen door frame and Teddy's leg at the bedroom door frame. Meanwhile, Katrina and Renka could only standing there in a distance. After finished hanging the bodies upside down, a bucket being put under their heads. Sisil then says, "Daria... now you need to chop their head..."

Daria sighs as he says, "Alright ... Daria ... you need to do this," as he swings his butcher knife horizontally to Lainey's neck as her head falls down and dropped to the bucket while blood started to flow down from the arteries. He does the same thing to Teddy's dead body.

Katrina does nothing but jaw dropped and closing her eyes. She was surely so shocked. Never she ever thought that these kind of scenarios are things that she had to encounter during her senior year. Daria then picked up the heads before saying, "Now we need to wait until every drop of blood to be fully drained. And while we wait we need to broke these skulls first!"

Arvia asks, "What can we use to broke and fucking explode these skulls?"

Renka then gives and idea by saying, "Burn it on fire, instead!" Then, Daria replies, "No, the skull is hard to be burnt. To be fully turned into ash, it needs a really high temperature and pressure.."

Arvia then asks, "Wait... what about grenade? We need to use grenade I guess? What about using it under the underground bunker?" as she continues, "I found this grenade inside the garage!"

"No, it will create loud sounds... What about cutting all the bones, one by one... I know this is so hard.. But, well yeah, we can use this drill!" Sisil exclaims.

As Sisil hands in Daria the drill, Daria says, "Yeah at least we can cut the skull into smaller pieces though!" Before cutting the skull, he mutilate the skin and some flesh outside the skull. Katrina decided to close her eyes throughout the process. After getting rid of every flesh materials in the heads, he start to drill a hole in the back side of the skull. He starts to make the hole bigger until finally it is big enough for the brain to slide out of the skull. It was so jelly-like texture.

Sisil takes the brain and then putting it inside a blender in the kitchen. she also adds some water inside and turns the blender on. Now the brains are getting destroyed to a brainy-juice.  She then pours the juice to the kitchen sink and let it flow as the running tap opened.

Meanwhile Daria, he still cuts the skull until it divided into 10 different pieces. Daria then asks, "Alright... What are we going to do with these pieces of bone?"

And now, the skull is not radiating the Gamma Ionizing radiation anymore.

"Put it in the freezer, of course, LOL!!!" Sisil exclaims.

"Welp, whatever we do with these little pieces, now what we have to do is to wait until the bodies fully drained!" Sisil adds.

To make the blood draining faster, Daria chops the hands out of the bodies. So, the blood at the hands could also be drained. After 30 minutes passed, the blood stop dripping and now the buckets are now filled with fresh bloods that still containing high levels of cyanide.

"We need to filter the cyanide from the blood first using alkaline chlorination. This treatment proceeds in two steps. First, cyanide is oxidized to cyanate by sodium hypochlorite. This reaction may be brought about through direct addition of sodium hypochlorite or by addition of chlorine gas and sodium hydroxide. In the second step, cyanate is oxidized to carbon dioxide and nitrogen," Daria explains, "Then we can finally separate the blood plasma with the rest of the fluids!"

They put some sodium hypochlorite to the blood to make the cyanide oxidized to cyanate. Due to its alkaline environment, then cyanate can be broken down to carbon dioxide and nitrogen. After the reaction take place, Daria fills both of his 250 ml reaction tubes with the blood, then centrifuges it with a centrifugation at 2200 RPM. After 15 minutes passed, then he transfers the plasma into a polypropylene tube using a Pasteur pipette. Then, he repeats this process until every drop of blood is separated. Considering both Lainey and Teddy has 10 litres of blood, it means that the process needed to be repeated 20 times. It takes them approximately 300 minutes to separate it altogether, or about 5 hours. In reality, it takes them 6 and a half hour to finally had all the plasma. They have roughly 5 litres of it, considering that 55%  of blood is made up of plasma.

"We did it guys... At this point, the MsPH-2 antibodies concentration is about 10 mg/dl, which means that from all of these plasma, we can get around 500 mg of MsPH-2!" Daria exclaims, "One person needs 2 mg/dl MsPH-2 to fight the pathogen. Considering we have about 5 litres of blood, we need like 100 mg of MsPH-2 to be injected to our bodies! And we are 6 people here. Me, Sisil, Arvia, Katrina, Renka, and Melisa. The problem is that our resources could only serve for 5 people. If we decrease the dose by dividing all of the 500 mg to 6 people, everyone will not get the right dose and everything will be useless."

They all froze. They need to sacrifice any of them to make sure everyone get the right dose or else, everything would fail. Everything ended up useless...

"Do we need so sacrifice one of us?" Arvia asks.

"Yes...or else neither of us could get the optimum MsPH-2 antibodies concentration in our blood. And everything we've been through would be useless..." Daria explains.

"Could we create the antibodies using the hybridoma method you've told us about?" Sisil asks.

"Of course we can, but it took time. This is our 5th day since the pathogen exposure... And it's evening already.... We haven't even separate the MsPH-2 antibodies, yet alone taking their spleen away and growing the hybridoma cells. I don't think that these could be finished in just two days. Remember, the pathogen incubation period is about 7 days... We can't do anything anymore at this point, except sacrificing one of us," Daria explains.

Sisil adds, "And it couldn't be you, Daria. Because you are the one who knows everything about this pathogen. And this couldn't be me also because I'm the one who understands the AgNP (Silver Nanoparticles). And this couldn't be Arvia also, she is the one who could help me with the AgNP and all these scientific method..."

Renka and Katrina look into each other without saying anything. They sighs.

"So, it's either Katrina, Renka, or Melisa, right?" Daria asks.

"Yes... we need to discuss it..." Sisil replies, as she looks to Katrina and Renka, then she continues, "But... I think... the best option is... Melisa..."

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