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Meanwhile at school, everyone is going to school, like normal, not really minding the fact that there are 5 students being absent for days. Probably they are just being lazy, probably that's what crossing the students mind, though. Until at lunch hour, suddenly Davin, feels unwell. Davin is brought to the school care unit, but his condition is only getting worse. He had thrown up so many times for the past hour, hence he is being rushed to the hospital near the school, only to find that the emergency unit is full due to COVID-19 cases, unable to give Davin the care he needed. Not only that, but also Davin has to be tested for Corona virus using PCR method first before being sent to another hospital nearby that is less occupied. Rushed to another hospital while waiting for the test result that probably would come in a day, Davin condition is getting worse and he died. No one knows what was the reason, so they claimed it due to COVID-19.

Not only that, but some students also claimed to have been feeling unwell since Davin's death. No one also knows what was the reason behind all of this.

Until suddenly, some students started to experience delirium and hallucinations, just like what happened to the police who investigated the death of Tristan and Daria.

Three days had passed since Davin's death and half of the students' life have been taken away from the mysterious pathogen. Their causes of death were never been investigated due to COVID-19 cases that has been skyrocketing ever since the opening of the lockdown level 1. Simply their parents were told, "They died from COVID-19," without any further information, leaving their parents frustrated and angry, but they can't do anything at that point. The other parents protested to the school, forcing the school to stop every offline activity to prevent the mysterious illness to spread even more.

While everyone is panicking about their sick children, 'Daria' in Alex body, Sisil, Arvia, Renka, and Katrina was also frustrated that Melisa had gone.

"We have to search for Melisa!" Daria shouts.

"Where? We have no idea," Arvia is also frustrated.

"In the forest where I suddenly got my consciousness inside this 'Alex' body. I still remember which part of the forest. I have a strong intuition which lead me to come back to the forest," Daria replies.

They rushed to the forest but instead of finding Melisa, they found Daria's real body, still intact. Daria's cadaver isn't decomposed at all. And what surprised them is that stabbing wound at his chest is closed already as if it was stitched using medical stitches.

Trying to figure out the mystery, they decided to bring the cadaver to the laboratory, the same laboratory which they do the antibodies extraction, to do an autopsy. Thankfully, the university students are on a semester break and the CCTV is still frozen from the last time they hacked it. Not only that 'undecomposed dead body', but they also bring some soil sample from the forest, hoping that the soil microorganisms or chemical composition have something to do with Daria's intact body.

Using Gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (GCMS) technique, they try to find the chemical composition of the soil. Turns out that the soil contains high level of organophosphate. Based on the original function, organophosphate is a group of chemical that intended to be used as insecticides. But, the soil is from an isolated place of the forest, so it is not making sense if someone had ever spray some insecticides at those kind of places. It concludes to another possibility which means that the soil had been contaminated with Mycosperium sp which originated from Daria's dead body. Hence, it also explains why Daria's body didn't decompose. Simply, the organophosphate which is the metabolites of the Mycosperium sp had killed the microorganisms in the soil that's responsible for the decomposition process to happen. Not only the bacteria in the soil, but also the organophosphate is already high enough to kill all of the microorganisms in Daria's body digestive system, preventing the microorganisms to start eating the intestines from the inside.

Due to the condition of the cadaver, Daria says, "I want to preserve my body, using cryogenic, so one day my original body could be resurrected from death, and my soul would leave Alex's body, and getting back to my original body. But first, I have to access my memory first. I have to meet Alex's soul in the afterlife, asking him to give me back my memory... So for now, what I will do is just freezing this body until I have the time to find Alex."

Arvia replies, "Wait, but you are supposed to be dead right? You just can't go to afterlife because you lost your memories right? And Alex was sucked in to the afterlife dimension because he accessed your memory right? So, technically speaking, wouldn't your soul get sucked to afterlife if you access your memory? Because your body is dead already."

"Well, I guess you are right, so yeah, I should live in this Alex body until I can resuscitate the liveless body. And yeah I think my soul could move to my original body if the body could function normally again. Since I am supposed to be alive, then my memory probably would be sucked to the living world dimension, leaving Alex soul in the afterlife with no access to my memory anymore.

"Wait, then what would happen to Alex soul?" asks Sisil. She is still concerned about her already-dead boyfriend who is now in another dimension.

"There are probably two scenarios that could possibly happen. Either Alex soul would sucked to this world and relive in the body I am using right now because his memory is in this body, or he would sucked back to this world wandering around if he couldn't find a way to re-access his memory." Daria explains, leaving them with no satisfaction but only almost brain-exploding feelings.

"For now, I will just going to freeze my body in the cryogenic center until they find a way to ressurect a dead body. While so, I will try to do the convalescent plasma therapy to those students who haven't been infected," Daria continues.

After Daria sent his original body to the cryogenic therapy, he grow the monoclonal antibodies again like he did before to create a large quantities of antibodies, enough to be injected to a hundred people. And now, the problem is they have to explain what was really happening briefly to the healthy students and convincing them to get injected with the AgNP combined with MsPH-2 antibodies.

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