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Night has passed, the sun rises from the east side. As the sun rays passes through the creak of the window, they woke up. It was such a short night, it doesn't feel like few hours had passed. Instead, it seems like only a few minutes. Hanging at 37° solar declination, enough lights to illuminate the room.

They get up from bed, some get up to take morning trip to the toilet, chugging some water down to quench their thirst, and some.... yet, still asleep.

It's 8AM. Alex still asleep. They've tried to waken up Alex for the last fifteen minutes before finally he opens an eye.

"Dang, my head hurts a fucking lot...." he complained.

"Alright, we are all late for school. We are supposed to be at school by now.. IT IS FUCKING THURSDAY, but.. no.. we aren't gotta go. We need to work on our plan!" Alex says after he gains his consciousness.

"Damn. Its not even our first week.... you sure?" ask Sisil.

"Ah, yeah, we are all late anyways. Its better to be absent all together rather than being 2 fucking hours late." Alex replies.

"Yeah... Sure.... I guess we need to buy the Bromadiolone now..." Arvia says.

"Yeah, and some fucking cyanide...." Renka adds.

"Sure, I'll buy it now and ask the fucking local chemist to send it to me now." Alex replies.

He grabs his cellphone and dialing the local chemist he knows very well that he's sure that she won't report anything to the police, "Cyanide 200ml and some Bromadiolone 1000mg please."

"Right, wait a damn minute."

Alex hangs the phone and says, "This is going to be smooth, guys!!! we need to put these two substances in their morning coffee... they usually make their coffee at night, ah yea... cold brew one... so we can put it while they are sleeping!"


They are having breakfast while waiting for the local chemist to send them stuffs they needed. It was a regular instant fried noodle, coupled with a sunny side up eggs. Simple, yet legendary delicious.

"Who is the local chemist? How could you know them?"

"Ahhh... the local chemist... she is my best friend and also was my first grade crush... She knows everything about me and trusts me so she won't report this to the police and let me get some cyanide, of course ..."

Sisil has already giving him a death glare by the time he mentioned 'crush'. He was so awkward and then saying, "Ah nevermind about the crush-y part... it was in the past, though..."

Arvia and her friends giggle. "Anyway... this is the drone we will be using..." as Alex shows them a small drone with a 15 length dimension. "This drone basically would carry some small stuffs inside this box which is about 15 x 10 cm. it has an opening in the middle down here. It is a left-and-right side kinda door mechanism. There is a sensor in the upper part, and some electromagnetic transmitter near it. And in the front side, it has a small camera, connected to the application in my phone."

They are amused on how great actually Alex's handmade drone. "tRuSt mE iM aN EnGiNEeR."

"Okay, jokes aside, but... this would leave no trace. This plastic is made from cyanobacteria and ... it degrades to the soil so fast that by the time the police came it will just be some minerals in the soil." explains Alex. "What we have to do is just to land it in the open ground and... wait for a few days... and we're done."

Ding! Dong!

The local chemist came and handing him some chemical inside a transparent bottle which is covered with some 'old' kind of sticker. Just like a regular chemical bottle, she gives him inside the plastics. Alex pays for it in cash. "Alright, thanks for this.. I am just wanna conduct some experiments with the laboratories rat about the anti toxin material.. and it has been a hard time for me to obtain these chemicals because it is legally unallowed to buy it in your local store, specially the concentrated one. "

"Yeah i know it's hard but don't worry... i will keep this transaction lowkey..." the chemist replied as she takes the money Alex handed and gone within a second.

Closing the door, Alex taking the chemicals, showing it to his friends. Unpacking it, he drops some drip if the cyanide, moving it into the smaller plastic package in which also, yes, biodegradable. Then, he puts it inside the 'box' of the drone, wrapping it with the 'downside' door. Now... the Bromadiolone powder, he thought.... Mixing it with the liquid concentrated cyanide.... And .... ready to be poured... to their cold brew coffee... And then, he try to configure the sensor and camera with the phone application. Clicked, it matched. Now the sensor and camera connected to Alex's phone. Now, he can control the drone's movement from the application.

He makes a few try to move the drone. Yeah, it's working... they are ready for it and they are just need to wait for night time to finally come. What a relief lol.

"Alright guys... It all set up... Now I'mma go to the toilet Lol," says Alex as he walks away, entering the toilet.

They are feeling relaxed. With all these technologies in hand, it's easy to kill them, they thought...

-An hour later-
Alright, it has been an hour passed by. And Alex? He still hadn't got out from the bathroom. His friends are began to worry him. So Sisil decides to go to the bathroom to check on him. She opens the door and screams as she sees Alex body floating in the bathtub in a pool of blood while his skull is half open in the washbasin in the bathroom, separated from his body. She calls Arvia and the others as they rushed to the bathroom, panicking, what the fuck did I just witness, they thought.

Melisa freezes for a minute before she starts to touch the broken head. She moves it, only to find out his brain gliding over, escaping its skull. Regardless of these all thing, his brain still kinda look like its 'beating', like it could move ... so it brought his head to 'escape' his body which results in decapitation. Later on, the brain try to escape the skull which results in skull explosion. The pool of blood in the bathtub is actually from his decapitated neck. It just flooded out to the bathtub.

"STAY AWAY! M-m-me-melisa.... t-this... is... wh-what if... it's because of .... the deadly bacteria?!?! WASH UR HANDS!" Sisil screams as Melisa tries to find fresh water source. She opens the tap and let the water sink into the washbasin, also into the brain... She washes her hands and they rushed out outside, terrified.

They can't believe what is happening, specially Sisil.

"W-wait... does it mean- that... the same way... could happen to us too?!?!" Renka is so freaking scared.

"T-t-te-technichally... y-y-ye-es..." Sisil stuttering.

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