chemistry laboratory

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After class, Arvia and her friends go to the chemistry laboratory. They are all confused, why no one ever goes into the laboratory after the tragedy, even the polices. They just stop the investigation. Based on the police, they stopped the investigation because many of them gone insane after the investigation.

They all scared, but also curious, "W-wait... Are we sure we are going to the lab? Don't we just wait for Sisil in the corridor instead?" Arvia asks.

"Umm... yea? why??" Melisa asks.

"They said the police gone insane after going to the lab?" Arvia tells them

"YAY! THIS GONNA BE FUN! LET'S TEST OUR SANITY! CMON KATRINA!" Renka is so enthusiastic, she pulls Katrina's hand as they run to the lab.

Finally, Arvia and Melisa follows them to the lab.

"This lab architecture is soooo...  old... sooo scarrryyy... It's like in a science fiction movie where the mad scientist conducts insane experiments!" Renka says as she laughs.


As Katrina approaches the unused pile of stuffs, the door is opened and someone screamed, "HEY! STAY AWAY FROM THAT!"

They all freeze and look into the door, it was Sisil

"wHY?" Katrina asks.

Sisil enters the lab as she continues, "These were the stuffs all connected to the tragedy. I don't know why, but the police are going insane after spending the time with these stuffs...The investigation was being stopped after all the police crew gone insane and die."

"Hmm.. But I'm so curious why... Is it a curse though? And why was that happening... Also, why doesn't Tristan's parents want this case to be continued on the investigation? Doesn't they wanna know who was their child's murderer?" Arvia was so confused, filled with so many questions.

"I wanna solve this..No matter what!" Melisa adds.

"But... how?" Renka asks.


Alex comes as he screams,"HEYYY!!! DON'T YOU ALL KNOW THAT-" he doesn't mind his way, making him tripped over and fall into the bunch of unused stuffs. He goes unconscious for 5 minutes before finally saying, "Daria... was killed... by Tristan..."

They all were like, "WHAT??"


"Can you explain it more???"

"I met Daria... he said, he was killed due to making a mistake..." Alex replies stuttering.

"a... mistakee???" Sisil was confused.

"Yes, Daria couldn't explain what was the mistake because he lost his soul memory. But he said the memory was in a periodic table from 1967"

"So... we can access his memory from that periodic table?" Sisil asks.

"Yeah, we can say that. Daria said we need to find the periodic table. It is near the lab, but he doesn't know where is exactly it located at."

"So we can see what was happening from Daria's point of view right???" Katrina asks.

"Yes.. and it isn't here with the bunch of unused stuffs. We need to find it either in the store room, the science club room, or the student council room... as far as I know, there were a big conflict between the science club and the student council. Who knows if the student council manipulate Tristan to kill Daria over a mistake? No one knows..." Alex replies.

"We need to search in the storeroom and the science club first... The student council room would be the last because the student council are in the room right now... They are preparing for the student orientation despite the teachers forbid it due to the tragedy... But, I guess they don't even care?" Sisil replies.

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