was it a curse?

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Daria arrives.

"Alright, guys... So we have 2 tasks here to be done after their death... First, we need to drain the blood and second, we need to broke the skull until it explode!"

"Then, does it mean we wouldn't need the MsPH-2 antibodies if we could just stop the curse instead?!" Katrina asks.

"Well yes, but actually... No..."

"This is not a curse actually..." Daria says.

"What exactly happening is that their skull is radiating the Gamma-Ionizer Tetraxional Radiation. It could cause the bacteria's genetic material to keep changing and shuffling uncontrollably. At this point, we could do nothing, except waiting for the doomsday to come..." Daria adds.

"To stop this too fast uncontrollable genetic mutation, we need to explode their skull to stop emitting these kind of radiation." Daria continues.

"Alright... we need to wait until the morning to finally see the reactions!" Sisil exclaims.

"Daria.... could you please tell me about the curse, more?" Arvia asks.

"Well... it was Mrs. Frida idea to kill the whole school, anyways ...."

"WHAT?!" Sisil screams.

"Yeah ... I .... can't remember truly why and how... But, that's the only thing I know... At least for now, it wasn't Tristan's personal intention..."

They are all confused. Did Daria create the unapologetic bacteria to fulfill Mrs. Frida needs and when something bad happen, did she like to blame it on Tristan instead? It seems like the mystery is not getting solved, it's getting more complex than they ever thought.

"I need my memory... It's in Alex... I need it to explain further. It seems like I try to find something from my mind but still managed to fail to recall the memory..." Daria explains.

Arvia thinks for a while before finally she speaks, "W-wait... But... can we.... recall the memories by stimulating the neural connection in your brain?"

Daria answers, "Yes, but that would be Alex's, because the body I am living in is Alex's, thus is the brain. It is Alex's too. But well yeah, we can recall what is attached to my soul. No near perfect, but... i guess that's okay?"

"Yeah, it's okay, we can recall Alex memories for you, so maybe we can see Alex's memory from your point of view? Well, I guess..."

Sisil then showing the periodic table to Alex-who-is-now-Daria, and he was shocked, "T-that... was from Mrs. Frida aren't they?!"

Sisil was like, "Wait what?"

"Wha- I guess... that's right, it was Mrs. Frida's. They always had the 'Pb' gone ... at the periodic table. I think it was a code!" Daria says.

"The code? So, you mean that it has something to do with this mystery???" asks Sisil.

"Yes... well, probably..."

"This wasn't a curse nor mystery too, to be honest. It was just a mutation that occurs to Tristan's parents when the Mycosperium sp produces enough organophosphate. The mutation make them create an enzyme that somehow results with the Gamma Ionizing radiation. Tristan calls it as a curse simply because he doesn't know the mechanisms of this," Daria adds.

"W-wait... why doesn't it inhibits the AChE-3 instead like how it is supposed to be?"

"The mutation was a defensive mechanism that hydrolyze the organophosphate instead, by producing the 2-ethyl-phospharilase enzyme. When activated, it breaks down the phosphate bond. The phosphate level in the blood then rise quickly, causing the body to fail to regulate the calcium-phosphate level. Hence, it pulls the calcium from the bone at a very fast rate. To preserve the skull's calcium level, it releases the Gamma-Ionizer Tetraxional Radiation, a type of gamma ionizing radiation which emitted to 4 different kinds of axis, hence its name Tetraxional."

"How could they built the defensive mechanism while others don't? What causes the mutation to happen?" Katrina asks.

"It's just a random mutation. By the way, the radiation is acting as a precursor for their body to create the MsPH-2 plasma. The problem is, at the same time, it causes the whole bacteria's genetic material to keep shuffling, because the radiation is emitting so fast and could reach thousand of kilometers away!" Daria explains.

"And like what I've said before, MsPH-2's precursor is the radiation. Means that only people with this mutation who can produce this antibodies by themselves," he adds.

At the end, he says, "It means that if we just let it happens like it is how it is now,  one day the whole world could die but leaving those with the random mutations alive. They wouldn't die due to the MsPH-2."

"Does it mean that the only way to obtain MsPH-2 is from those who has the radiation emitter mutation?" Katrina asks.

"Yes... our bodies actually could produce it without the mutation if we contract the pathogen. But, we wouldn't be able to survive the pathogen by the time for our bodies to finally have enough MsPH-2 in our blood to fight over it... Only those who has that kind of mutation that could produce it rapidly," Daria replies.

"Okay, I have a weird question... Your memory is now not with you, right? How could you manage to know these things so eerily specific yet didn't know about what was Tristan or Mrs. Frida intentions?" Renka asks.

"Because these are objective things... It is a scientific fact... About Tristan or Mrs. Frida, they are oddly subjective, which is a personal experience. It is stored in the 'personal memory'. That's why I have a hard time to recall it..." Daria explains.

"Alright, we can work on the personal problems later on..  We need to focus on the goal to kill the parents first!" Sisil says. "Now it's midnight already, we better go to sleep, I'll wake up at 5 and we can watch the drone recording from the SmartBox!"

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