25 I The real Hero & Heroine

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This was hell embarrassing! Still now I can't get over this embarrassment! How could I do that? It was just a scene from the drama and I completely misinterpreted it! Oh God! I've committed such a big crime

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This was hell embarrassing! Still now I can't get over this embarrassment! How could I do that? It was just a scene from the drama and I completely misinterpreted it! Oh God! I've committed such a big crime. I doubted him, my Mr. Noodles?!

"Idiot! Still daydreaming or what?"

"Huh?!", I asked coming to reality.

"You are in school! Are you still so shocked that you can't even understand what I am saying?"

"Umm...actually...no..yes...Kavya", I stammered.

"You're so foolish Miku! You didn't even knew the real truth and hastily jumped into a conclusion! That's why big people say, Look before you leap!", She kept blabbering.

"Okay fine. Don't start your philosophy class now! I've already screwed up everything! Now he is going to hate me more!", I said.

"Chill girl! You know? Last day the whole school was watching a Bollywood movie in real! The handsome hero carrying his beautiful heroine in a bridal style and everybody admiring the duo. Ahh...what a scene! Wish I had my camera with me!", Kavya exclaimed dreamily while I still couldn't get her.

"Who were they? Oh! Now I get it. You're talking about Mr. Sharma and his wife, isn't it? Oh my God! Sharma sir is so skinny, how could he pick her up? She is like hundred kilos maybe and...", Kavya cut me off and face palmed.

"Just stop making your foolish assumptions!! It's not them...and when the hell did Sharma sir become handsome?!"

"Okay! Let your hair down and tell me what happened? Who were your "so called" hero and heroine!", I asked her.

"You still don't get it?"


"That was you and your Mr. Noodles! You both were looking like Sharukh and Kajol!"

"What?! He carried me?!", hearing this I got one more heart attack. Oh my freaking heart! I can't take this anymore! I turned as red as a tomato thinking of the scene. It must be so amazing!

"Even the teachers were passing comments seeing you both! You both were the topic of discussion last day. I guess...the gossips will continue. And the most hilarious thing was that, you should have seen some of the faces of those senior girls! They were just burning in jealousy! Hahaha", Kavya held her stomach and started laughing like a maniac and I too joined along. After a minute of laughing madly, I cleared my throat and said,

"But now the only problem is, I need to apologize! He was innocent and my foolish brain doubted him. I am such a dumb Kavu!"

"Noooooooo!!", she shouted.

"What no? Wouldn't I apologize?"

"Not again please. You both are friends right? Then what's there to apologize! Just be frank with him. Today in the evening when he is going to come to your house to teach you, talk to him frankly! No need to be embarrased. Just chill!"

"O-Okay as you say...but I still", I tried to say but she cut me off.

"No buts!"


Sumedh's POV

It's 9 PM and I am on my way to Mallika's house. I am still wondering why did Mallika blacked out last day in the Principal's office. I didn't even tie my hairs in a ponytail that day, then? I don't know why, but whenever I tie my hairs when it's hot, some of the girls of my class pass out seeing me. But what happened to her? Was I looking so terrible that seeing me, she fell unconscious?

With these thoughts in mind, I went upstairs towards her room. As I opened it, I saw the bunny sitting at one corner of her bed, completely ready with her books. I smiled seeing her and she reciprocated that same smile to me. As I came and sat beside her, I asked,

"How's your health?"

"I am super duper fantastic!", she replied excitedly. I guess, my old Mallika is back! Finally!

"That's great! And btw, I couldn't say this to you till now so saying it today. Congratulations for winning the debate competition! You spoke very well and so..", my words trailed off as I dug through my bag and took out her trophy along with a dark chocolate which is her favourite!

"Take it, I am not the real owner of this but you are! You gained it for your own hardwork. And this chocolate is a small gift from me for your success", I said.

"But I don't need this! I need something else...", she said and pretended to be deep thinking.

"Okay! Tell me what you want and if it's affordable for me then I am going to bring it for you!"

"No no! You don't need to buy anything."

"Then?", I asked raising my eyebrows.

"Promise me that you will say yes!"

"Tell me what's it?"

"Umm..I-I just want you to play with me tomorrow. Will you?", she asked me something which I least expected.

"But Mallika...", I tried to protest as I don't have time to play like kids.

"Please! Please please!", she requested with those irresistible extremely cute puppy eyes which I couldn't deny. She obviously has her own ways!

"I know that you will keep irritating me until I say yes. So okay I'll play with you tomorrow! Happy now?", as I agreed, she started jumping on the bed itself like a monkey.

"Thank youuuu! And one more thing! Dressup properly and come...umm..wear some traditional dress! Okay?"

"Why? Aren't we going to play?"

"Yes we will. Now don't ask me anything else. You will get to know tomorrow!", she said grinning sheepishly and I could very well figure out that something was cooking inside her naughty head. Let's see what happens.


🤡 Surprise is coming! In the next chapter, I'll reveal it! So stay tuned❤️

And you people keep guessing why did Mallika tell Sumedh to wear traditional clothes? The one who will guess it correctly, I am going to dedicate the next chapter to him/her.

Sayonara! 👋

--- Blue 💙

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