27 I It's your fault!

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Still not able to accept the reality, I restlessly looked at Dau who was smiling like an idiot proud of doing such a great deed! It was a catastrophe!!

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Still not able to accept the reality, I restlessly looked at Dau who was smiling like an idiot proud of doing such a great deed! It was a catastrophe!!

"Don't need to thank me. I know I am great!!", He said puffing his chest more and closing his eyes with pride. Yes you have done something really great! So great that I can't even express it!!

"Basaaant! What the hell did you do to my sister?!", Rushi bhaiya shouted and all the heads turned towards him. He marched towards us, fuming in anger. Rage flowed through him like lava. His bloodshot eyes brought shivers down our spines as if the very next second we would be six feet under resting in our graves.

Hearing his shout, Dau quickly opened his eyes due to shock and stood up. I too did the same. No sooner, Rushi bhaiya held Dau's round collar and shouted at him,

"What the hell did you do fool?! The vermilion was for that doll! Not MALLIKA!!"

Though they were both best of friends and had have innumerable fights between them but this one seemed to be more deadly. But this couldn't scare Dau and he simply shook off Rushi bhaiya's hands from his collar calmly whereas Rushi bhaiya was still burning in anger. He felt drunk on his rage.

"I am sorry Rushi! I completely misinterpreted it.", Dau apologized calmly and placed his hand on Rushi bhaiya's shoulder.

"What sorry?! This was supposed to be a simple child's play!! How could you make it so terrible?!", Rushi bhaiya shouted, his eyes flashing angrily. He was now out of his mind!

"Put your hairs down Rushi! It was just an accident! And like you think of your sister so much, I too think of my brother the same way. How could I simply let my brother marry a filthy doll?", Dau exclaimed and this was enough to put oil on the already burning fire. Though he said it as a joke, is this going to calm Rushi bhaiya? Never.

"Oh! So for that you simply let your brother marry my sister! Isn't it?! You bastard!", Rushi bhaiya shot back and now it was enough. All this while I kept quiet but I can't bear anyone insulting my Dau for no reason.

"Rushi bhaiya please! This was just an accident. Moreover it wouldn't have happened if we were not forced into this play!", I mentioned looking at Mallika. This wouldn't have happened if she didn't think of such foolish game!

"That's the main point! Mallika I agreed to this because of your request knowing that you would be happy. But I didn't expect this to become so horrible!!", Rushi bhaiya said to Mallika who was still sitting down with her head lowered, holding the bride doll and also the groom doll, which I left in the ground while getting up, close to her chest.

"What made you even think of playing such game?!", he kept shouting at her until Pu di came to her rescue.

"Rushi! It's enough! Don't scold her. She hasn't done anything!", Pu di protested but soon stopped getting a deadly glare from him. I had never seen Rushi bhaiya so angry!
But Dau was still not done with it.

"Why are you blaming her? I am still telling you! Don't overreact. It was simply a mistake which wouldn't be repeated again and...", Dau tried to explain but failed miserably when he was cut off mid sentence by Rushi bhaiya.

"You just keep your filthy mouth shut! I am not going to listen to any of your lame clarifications! ", Rushi bhaiya snapped him off and within seconds, pulled Mallika harshly by her arm and made her stand. Though she didn't look up, I could very well figure out that her eyes brimmed with tears. I really didn't like to see her like that but...

"And you Mallika! This was the last time I have listened to you. From now on, you are going to listen to me. Everything happened because of your silly demands. You're responsible for all this!!", Rushi bhaiya scolded her still holding her wrist in a tight grip not ready to let it go at any cost.

Finally, hearing him, she looked up straight into my eyes, streams of tears making their way out of her eyes, as if asking for something.

"Do you all really think that it is my fault?", she asked with her shaky voice trying to hold her tears back, still looking at me and I knew that the question was intended for me.

"You should grow up Mallika! You are not a kid anymore!! This wouldn't have happened if you didn't force all of us to play this silly game.", I finally spoke up and everyone agreed to me.

"I-It is y-your f-fault!", I concluded though I myself felt guilty for accusing her. But she needs to know this.

A wave of silence passed through the crowd but was soon broken by Rushi bhaiya who forcefully dragged Mallika with him to their house with Pu di running behind them. I stood there still hearing her shout, "Bhaiya I am sorry! Please". It ached my heart as I saw her turning to me for the last time with tearful eyes before the three vanished inside their house.


It's not your fault that you don't feel,
The way I feel for you.
It's not your fault that you left my hand midway,
Because I was too dependent on you.
Maybe I should have been more braver....
Everything is my fault!

I know this part wasn't so interesting and I purposely made it short because next part is going to be some what different!

Few more chapters left before the second arc to start!

Next part will be of Mallika's POV and two new characters are making their entry in the next chapter. (Who are they? Guess guess 🤔)

Stay tuned to know ❤️

--- Blue 💙

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