39 I Who is she?

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The room was bleak and cold

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The room was bleak and cold. It was quiet and somber in there. The only source of illuminance was that light bulb hanging from the ceiling. Its dim light fell on him highlighting his figure.

I swallowed the big lump that had formed in my throat and stood there rooted to the spot.

I didn't dare to move. He wasn't moving too. Is he dead?

I kept staring at him and with each second my heart beat fastened.

As my presence didn't affect him, I thought to do it myself. With this I moved forward to where he was, taking careful steps. But still there wasn't any movement from his side. He must be asleep.

As I was about to take one more step, I heard a shout.


The voice pierced through the deep silence in the room scaring the hell out of me.

This time he looked up and that was enough to make a chill run down my spine.

His eyes were bloodshot red in anger. Dark circles had formed under his eyes maybe due to lack of sleep. His dishevelled hair and his clenched jaw was giving off dangerous vibes.

I stepped back all ready to run away from there. I had already turned around to leave but then realisation hit me. If I leave then Mallika will never trust me again.

With no other option left, I slowly turned around and gave him a sheepish smile. How will I deal with this angry man?

I was tore out of my thoughts when I heard one more ear piercing shout from him.


"S-Sir I a-am h-here to d-discuss s-something. Y-Your lawyer-" I tried to remain calm as possible but my stammering didn't help and this made him more impatient.

"LAWYER? MY FOOT! THAT FAKE GOVERNMENT HAS SEND YOU HERE TO SHOW ME SOME SYMPATHY? YOU ARE GOING TO FIGHT MY CASE? HUH! JUST TO INSULT ME MORE IN FRONT OF THE PEOPLE?" he fumed in extreme anger as his breathing quickened and all of a sudden he jumped up from his place and held my collars.

"You fu*king people are a shame for our nation! How can you cheat on your own people just for the sake of some money? I just HATE YOU ALL!!" My heart was pounding against my chest as bad thoughts came across my mind of him strangling me to death.

He was still holding my collars in a tight grip and I could see those angry tears that come out of his eyes.

"M-Mr. S-Sumedh M-Mudgalkar, please calm down. I am a non violent person. I don't like fights. P-Please!" I pleaded and after sometime I felt him loosening his grip on my collars. I quickly removed his hands and made a run for life.

I was so scared that I forgot to get out of the cell and instead kept running aimlessly inside it.

"Hey you idiot! Stop running and get out of here." he shouted from the back. Oh my god! He is chasing me!

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