33 I Not a dream

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Dau and Kavya went off in their car while I followed them with mine

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Dau and Kavya went off in their car while I followed them with mine. There wasn't much traffic today. And I regretted that! For the first time I wouldn't have got pissed off if the roads had been jammed due to heavy traffic. Cause I knew, I wasn't ready. I wasn't ready to face him. These years, neither did we see nor hear each other. Then how can all of a sudden we meet? How do I make myself realize this is real? Maybe after so long, I should feel elated but again that feeling of fear sticks to me like glue. Whenever I am showered with too much of happiness, melancholy is on its way to shatter my life!

The only questions which revolved around my mind was- How will I react? How will he react? Neither can I break down into tears in front of him, nor can I stand there like a statue bearing no emotions.

My grip on the steering wheel tightened as I pulled the escalator, increasing the speed. My heart was beating at a faster rate as if it would come out any moment. The calm breeze brushed my cheeks but still didn't feel relaxing! I was sweating blood just at the thought of meeting him after so many years! I was nervous, afraid, tensed, sad, happy - all at a time. These mixed emotions were creating a whirl of confusion in my mind.

'Why am I going afterall?', my mind asked.
'Because for so many years I longed for this day to come.',my heart answered.
'He asked me to get out of his sight! Am I so shamless to return to him? Just turn back and go! There's still time.',my mind argued.
'Maybe he didn't actually mean to say that. I shouldn't come to any conclusions so soon.',my heart continued which was now the only source of hope.
'Neither does that mean he loves me and wants me back.'

I came out of my daze as Dau's car suddenly came to a halt. I too pressed the brakes and my car stopped in front of a three storeyed house which was bright yellow in colour with white outlines highlighting the doors and the windows. The vibrant colours radiated a feeling of liveliness along with the different variety of flowers lined up in the garden. A perfect example of home! Or I thought so...

The euphoria lasted just for a few minutes before I stepped inside the house. As if the feeling faded away replacing it with sorrow and coldness. As my bare feets touched the cold tiled floor, a shiver ran through my body. This sensation felt different. My train of thoughts got interrupted when I saw Aunty coming towards us. Seeing me her eyes lit up like the fourth of July. Her hairs had turned grey and her face wrinkled but the smile which appeared on her face as she came near, showed her inner beauty which had got burried beneath the layers of her aged skin.

The heart warming smile seemed genuine but as if hid much pain behind it. Pain which showed in her eyes. It was unknown to me but I always considered her as my second mother. How can I bear to see that?

I went forward and touched her feets. Before I could say anything, she pulled me into a hug. A loving gesture which melted my heart. It held the love of a mother, it also held grief, maybe hope too and again assurance which I felt when her hands stroked my back gently.

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