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19 March, 20XX

Dear Diary,

I've been trying to avoid my dance classes for a few weeks now but I have to go there someday. My instructor called me and asked if I was okay, why I wasn't attending, stuff like that. He's very worried as it seems.

How can I continue? I haven't been able to lose weight as expected of me. I don't want to show up like this.

She's been taking contemporary dance classes which Taehyung found out about later. Much later, when she came home crying after quitting on it. It was a month or two later. He had seen her crying to her house and brushing her tears off with the oversized sweater sleeves.

He got to know about the reason why she quit from someone else. The way she was constantly bullied at her dance academy, by her own batchmates and sometimes seniors. He wondered why.

He could've asked what was wrong, one more time when he had the chance but he didn't. He wasn't so familiar with her back then. He just said some things anyone would say to her.

He should've done more.

IN ANOTHER LIFE • KTH [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now