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30 September, 20XX

I've tried making some new dishes today. And guess what? Everybody absolutely loved it!

I sent some at the Kim's too. I hope Taehyung enjoyed it too. I can't tell. I don't have his number and I can't ask Nahyun for it. She's already been teasing me enough saying I have a crush on him.

I do. I do get a really weird kind of feeling when I look at him. I'm sure he doesn't feel the same way. But once I get prettier, I will make myself more visible to him and be more presentable.

I hope he'll like me then. Will he?

Again, he just have so many things to tell her. He wants to tell her that she's wrong about him. And he's unable to do so right now.

The night gets darker and darker. He's still inside his car, the windows rolled up to prevent cold air. Leaning on the glass, he thinks he might just fall asleep here. If he has the heart to sleep after finishing this. Because he can see the parts getting scarier.

He knows what's next.

IN ANOTHER LIFE • KTH [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now