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The next pages are empty when Taehyung turns them. There's not a single dot on them. He knows why.

October 20, the night Taehyung started his night shift at the hospital he was intern at and was at the reception. It was pouring outside, too odd for an autumn night to be raining like that. He recieved a call from the emergency room, the nurse frantically told him to come downstairs so he can assist the other doctor.

He ran there. Only to find a patient soaking wet in both rain and blood. His vision was blurred when he recognized the face. Heart wouldn't stop leaping out as she looked like she wasn't breathing. The fear crawled up his spine and settled on his shoulders when he saw Soyoung.

She was bleeding from her head. And it was nearly impossible for the doctors to stop it. One nurse hurried out and sprinted past him to bring the blood inserts. She had her eyes closed long ago. Hollow and fragile body shooting up with the defibrillator's voltage.

"Soyoung? Can you hear me? Kang Soyoung!"

A stranger, Jimin was crying. He was covered in blood too. So much blood that even Taehyung being a doctor couldn't stare too much. Jimin slid on his knees and continued praying. That she woke up or just simply didn't leave like this.

Taehyung prayed in silence while the tears blinded him. It felt like the damp air was suffocating him from every possible corners. She still wasn't breathing. Her heart still wasn't beating.

IN ANOTHER LIFE • KTH [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now