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June, 20XX

Not an update Diary. Just some things I want to share so I will leave the date out for this one.

I've already turned 17, will turn 18 soon. But when I look at the mirror, I feel so different than the other girls my age. The ones that keep gaining favors from the teachers for simply their good looks, the ones on social media constantly making fun of me and my pictures in comments, the ones I used to hang out with...my friends...I'm so different from them.

Even Nahyun looks better than me. My sister is the most beautiful girl in the world and here I am, coming from the same family, I look nothing like her. Our relatives keep saying that how I was the complete opposite of her. Did they mean that I'm ugly? Am I jealous of her? No. I'm not. I just want to look half as good so that my friends won't deny taking pictures with me. Or I wouldn't have to quit dancing. So that I get noticed by the one I want to be noticed by.

This is the breaking point I've come to. I don't have a small waist like the rest of the girls around me, I don't have a jawline that makes me look pretty, my eyes have dark circles around them. I don't even have a good skin.

Why am I so sad today? Let me tell you.

I was shopping with Nahyun and a guy asked for her number. Nahyun said she can't give it to him and then when he walked away, she complained silently that it was almost everyday she got requests like that from those boys.

I've never had something like that. I'm even afraid to ask Taehyung for his number when we know each other for almost five months now and he's so close to us. What if he does the same as Nahyun did to the boy today? I know he won't like me. He will never.

Seeing the mention of himself on a page like this stirred an unbearable pain in his chest. He could barely breath, thinking how she got it so wrong. How she thought the complete opposite of the things.

He was afraid to turn another page but then again he has to. He has to know more. He's late but he has to know everything.

IN ANOTHER LIFE • KTH [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now