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10 October, 20XX

Today, I finally got to go on a date with Taehyung. But...everything went wrong.

Taehyung and I met coincidentally at the neighborhood Cafe. He was with Jungkook and they were on their way to somewhere. He just saw me and told Jungkook that he has something to talk to me about and that he should leave.

I was literally shaking when he asked if we can get a coffee together. It was the first time someone had asked me out on a coffee date and that someone happened to be Kim Taehyung himself.

I admired how amazing he was. He looked perfect from every angle. I was a little self conscious in his presence, but who won't be. I couldn't say no to his coffee but I successfully avoided sugar.

He said that I've changed a lot. I knew he'd notice. After all I lost so much weight and was skinnier, prettier. How could he not? I loved the way he smiled at me between our conversation, it was again the first he was smiling only at me and nothing else. It felt amazing. I feel like I can do everything and anything right now. That's how much happy I am.

I know I shouldn't be saying this too soon but I kind of like him more than just a crush. I know he thinks I'm just a neighbor or just his close friend's younger sister but I think of him as more than that. I wish he knew.

I will tell him. One day. When I'll be able to look as perfect as him, or nearly better. He must've had high standards since he got many proposals like that. I don't want to be rejected just because I'm not pretty enough for his standards.

And why it got ruined?

I almost slipped on the tiled floor while leaving the cafe. I'm glad he was there to catch me on time but it was embarrassing. Kinda drama-theory romantic, but still embarrassing.

She almost fainted that day.

Taehyung had asked her for a coffee and told her that she was looking different than before. He meant her looking thinner and thinner everyday. He meant he didn't like the way she was rapidly losing weight and looking unalive. It worried him.

But telling that to a girl, he just had to hint subtly and not anything huge. He did tell her that if she needed someone to talk to then he was there for her. But seems like the problem had its roots into her mind and he could only break twigs of it.

While walking out of the cafe, she nearly lost her balance on the floor and fell. He caught her right on time so she was saved from any injuries. He realized how light she was when he pulled her up on her feet again. How weak she was. He knew how bad her condition was but he couldn't tell that to her face.

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