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13 October, 20XX

Dear Diary,

I got Taehyung's number today. I didn't ask for it. He called me himself.

Nahyun was the one he asked my number from and then today, he called me and asked if I was free tonight.

I'm writing this and I'm trembling. I'm overjoyed. I can't express how much my heart is racing and my breathes are faltering. He's been my dream and now I can finally see him happening to me. All because of my weight loss. I've turned my life around by simply making changes in myself.

I have to go now. Taehyung must be waiting for me.

Taehyung closed his eyes and took a shaky breath himself. The things she thought was overjoyed emotional acts were simply happening because she was getting weaker day by day. Nahyun worried about her and that day she came to Taehyung for help. Nahyun told him how bad and deep she was in this delusion and only he can help her out.

He tried. He called her that night and asked what was bothering her. Why, just why she kept skipping meals and why she kept lying to everyone about what she was eating. Just why on earth she threw up every single night after dinner...

It hurt him. Knowing she was having problems and she couldn't open up. If he had read her thoughts like this a little sooner things would've been better.

She did tell him parts of it. That she missed being in her dancing and she was depressed because of it.

Taehyung didn't know that telling her to go back will bring a disaster.

IN ANOTHER LIFE • KTH [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now