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30 December, 20XX

Dear Diary,

Today's Taehyung's birthday. He asked me to bake the cake myself so we can celebrate.

I went through the whole year of my writings and realized there's nothing much you know about me. I've only really talked about other things more than who I am. Things like losing weight and being cornered. You've never really known much about me.

I'm...Kang Soyoung.

And I'm just me.

The way I am. I may not be the most perfect person but who doesn't have their insecurities? No one is perfect and my flaws are what I'm made of.

This Diary ends today. Because I'm a new person and I need to use good things when I look back. The memories of misery will still be there. Because without them, finding myself is meaningless.

So dear Diary,

The next time we meet, I hope we have only happy memories to share. Memories of loving ourselves and the people we love.

IN ANOTHER LIFE • KTH [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now