Chapter Seven

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Lifty stared at the number in his hands. He hadn't told Shifty that the red hero had extended his hand in friendship to him. He wasn't too sure what to do. It had already been three days since he was freed from community service, he hadn't seen the hero since then considering Shifty had a "patrol route" that they avoided.

He said to text him... but Shifty and I share a phone...

He wasn't allowed to have a phone. Shifty's reasoning being that he was already always by his side and he wasn't to leave the apartment if Shifty was not with him. And if he started using it more, Shifty would watch him.

"Wanna be friends?"

Lifty had a hard time making and keeping friends. Shifty hated when he was with others, he often didn't register social cues, and his stuttering annoyed people to the point where they wouldn't even respond to him if he spoke. He had spent roughly five days doing community service with Splendont supervising him. In that time, the hero treated him to breakfast, lunch, and dinner, including snacks throughout the day. He didn't talk much himself, but encouraged Lifty to speak to him if he started talking. He was a really nice guy. So, when he asked to be friends, Lifty was thrilled.

"Stay away from him."

Shifty's warning rung in his head, but the more he thought about, the more he couldn't find any reason not to be the hero's friend. The worst that could happen was that Splendont would stop speaking to him once he got annoyed and Lifty could handle that. Plus, Splendont always got him food, so if they hung out, Lifty would get a nice meals. Even though Shifty got groceries a lot, it never lasted. He always had "friends" over that would eat their food. Like now.

Lifty was told to stay in the room while Shifty entertained guests. Prim, Dreamy, and Truffles were over, plotting another heist since their last one had been a bust because Pops had managed to hit the alarm and Splendid had stopped in his route to help kids cross the street. Lifty wasn't allowed to come out when Shifty had guests over because he was an embarrassment to him. Lifty sighed, scratching his head, since it meant he would miss a meal tonight. His mind kept going to other places.

The game system Shifty promised him. Contacting Splendont, somehow. Eating something. And having to deal with another night that Shifty got shit-faced due to drinking with his new crew.

"I-I-It's not fair." He pouted, getting up and kicking at a pile of clothes that littered their room because they didn't have much furniture.

His frustration began to grow when he heard laughter from the other side of the door. He wanted to go be by his brother's side and laugh with everyone, even though they were all actually dicks. It was better than being alone. He hated being alone.

"I-I-I'm allowed to-to have fun, too..." with that, he went over to the window and opened it, climbing out. "I-I-I can do s-stuff on my own. Sh-Shifty can't treat-treat me like a-a kid f-forever."

He paused halfway down, frowning. No matter how frustrated and lonely he was, he would prefer to be with his brother. Shifty found him annoying though. That made him huff and he hopped down the last few feet, slowly trotting out to the street. He looked around at the crummy little part of town. There was a convenient store, drug store, and smaller businesses that were crammed around the apartment buildings. He turned and went to the right, where the railroad tracks were that would take him to the better part of town. It was only seven right now. By the time he got there, it would just be eight. The game store would be open.

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