Chapter Twenty-Seven

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"What the fuck are you doing?"

Splendont laid splayed out over his bed and floor. He glanced over to see Flippy standing outside the door to his room and groaned, throwing a pillow at him half-heartedly. Flippy looked down at the pillow that landed by his feet before he walked in with a grimace at the sight of his messy room.

"What do you want?" Splendont grunted, going slack on the bed again.

"You're acting like a depressed teenager."

"Lifty doesn't want to be around me anymore."

Flippy clicked his teeth before kicking Splendont with his foot, well, more like poking him, "So, you're just going to sit here and do nothing about it? You break the kid's heart by telling him you two were never dating and now you're acting like you two just went through the breakup of the century?"

Splendont turned and glared at him, "Shut up."

"I'm assuming you talked to Splendid about it, didn't you? Why aren't you acting on your real feelings?" Flippy asked, going around and picking up the room. "Lifty's been going out to town to change up his life. You've been moping in your room or going out on "runs" to avoid him. That's pathetic."

"Like you're one to talk!" Splendont got up and sat on the bed with ire in his eyes as he watched Flippy clean his room. "You and Splendid might be fine being open and lovey-dovey, but I don't do that shit. No strings attached is how I like to keep things!"

The words felt like dirt in his mouth, but that's what came out. He was so quick to help Splendid with his feelings and troubles, but when it came to things like this for him, it wasn't as simple.

"You've got some deep-rooted trauma there don't you?"

Splendont scoffed, "What trauma?"

"Splendid tells me everything Splendont." Ice shot through his veins and he looked at Flippy much more properly now. "You're an apathetic person that wants to be there for someone. But you've never been appreciated for things like that besides from Splendid. Even I can see that."

"You say another goddamn thing. I'll break your fucking–"

"Splendont, why is it that you can't accept Lifty? The relationship you two had was more than just a friends with benefits deal. You're not stupid, even you could see that."

Splendont shot up from the bed and pinned Flippy into the wall, his nerved shot with rage as he fought to keep his hand from crushing Flippy's throat. He opened his mouth to say something, but shut it when nothing came out. Anger. Anger was familiar. Not the pain of longing in his chest that hurt him when Lifty was mentioned.

"I always thought Splendid was emotional. But it looks like we were wrong."

Green and yellow eyes stared at him and Splendont let go before backing off. He took a shuttering breath before trying to escape, but Flippy stopped him and Fliqpy spoke up.

"Why can't you open up about your feelings, eh? You're so quick to tell others what to do and listen to their feelings. Why is it so hard to do the same?"

Splendont couldn't answer him though. He liked to solve people's problems despite not really caring about it. There was a big hypocrisy within himself that he could never figure out. He wanted to be around others like Splendid, but at the same time he wanted to be on his own. He hated being alone, but he pushed almost everyone away. He liked to help others, but he also liked to be compensated.

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