Chapter Twenty-Three

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"Alright, Clank said we're good to take Shifty back. They're going to keep Foxy under observation for a while longer, so there's no need for us to stay any longer."

Splendont got up from where he was sitting with Lifty. They had been reading some of the books Zappy kept in their home together to pass the time. Splendid didn't want to leave until they were sure Shifty was going to be okay without anymore pain medication. He had been in and out of consciousness, but after last night when he was up long enough to eat and tell Clank about any discomforts, they decided that would be enough for now. If anything, they would keep an eye on him and take him to the ER if anything happened.

Lifty grabbed Splendont's arm and he turned to look at the other. A nervous look was on his face and he smiled at that, leaning down and picking him up. Lifty couldn't walk since Splendont had bullied him during sex two days ago. Or maybe he could, but wanted to be carried. It didn't bother Splendont considering he liked holding Lifty. The fragile body in his arms made him want to cherish him more and more. He had never had these thoughts and feelings before, not even with Splendid.

"Aw, you two are so cute." Splendont frowned and looked over at Fliqpy, who flashed a sharp-toothed smile at them.

A gasp from Lifty had him turning a bit to avoid Fliqpy's predatory eyes, "Back off, you."

Fliqpy laughed and walked over, his hands behind his back in an innocent way, "Don't be like that. I'm just complimenting the new couple."

Splendont groaned when Fliqpy made kissy noises at them and looked at Splendid, who was covering his mouth, giggling, "Splendid, get your boy before I kick him into space!"

"You asked for it, bro." Splendid teased, walking over and picking Fliqpy up, who had a wide grin on his face. "Come on, Zappy's with Shifty, making sure he's okay for flight."

Splendont pouted as he followed Splendid out. Lifty hummed and nuzzled him, so it helped with the embarrassment of being teased. They weren't a couple. Just really good friends with benefits.

Splendont was so lost in his musings that he didn't notice the yelling coming from Shifty's room. It wasn't until Lifty flailed out of his hold that he realized what was going on. He ran after Lifty, who barrelled through Splendid, since he was in the way, but stopped short when Zappy was pushed out of the room and into Lifty.

"Hey! What's going on?" Splendid yelled, setting Fliqpy down and going to the door.

He was stopped short when a lamp flew passed his head and into the wall, shattering from the force. Splendont went over and grabbed Lifty, pulling him out of the line of fire. Shifty came out from the room, out of breath and looking enraged. Splendont locked eyes with him for a moment before he turned his ire to Lifty.


Shifty lunged and grabbed Lifty by his hair, yanking him out from behind Splendont before he could stop him. He was stunned to see Shifty so violent considering he was basically comatose for the last week. He had a lot of energy it seemed.

"Hey! Hey, let go of him, Shifty!" Splendid yelled, running over and grabbing the twins.

This snapped Splendont out of it to go over and help, grabbing Shifty's wrist and squeezing enough to make him loosen his grip. He grabbed Lifty and held him close while Splendid pulled Shifty away. The little brat was flailing and scratching Splendid, all the while yelling profanities.

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