Chapter Eighteen

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Well... what the predicament I've found myself in.

To avoid answering and possibly risking Lifty's safety, Splendont played dead. He heard Foxy panic when he dropped to the floor completely and went limp. She didn't even check his pulse. Instead she cried and tried to move him, but he refused to respond. His body healed slowly unlike Splendid.

"Oh, god! Oh, shit! What did I do?" She panicked, she managed to pick him up and flip him around to check his wound. "Ah! Aaah... it's okay. It's okay. He's a resident. He'll come back."

Yeah, no shit I will. Now run off so I can take care of this wound and then break your fucking neck for stabbing me.

He kept his eyes closed, relaxed as he felt her prod at his wound. Luckily, he had some pain endurance, but it still stung. He wanted to snap at her, but he needed the wound to heal faster. She eventually got up and paced around. From the ground he could hear her mumbling to herself.

"You did this. You did this to me. This wasn't my fault." She groaned. "How am I going to explain this to Splendid? Fuck, do they remember who kills them when they come back? Splendont will really hate me then."

Hate you? Ooo, girl I fucking despise you now.

The blood finally stopped leaking and he could feel it begin to close up. He just needed a bit more time before he could catch her. He felt her hands on him again and he realized he was being dragged out. He managed to stay still as she pulled him out of the house. She wasn't very strong physically, that's why she was a long range fighter, so it was surprising that she could manage this.

"I'll clean it up and just take him back to my place. I'll patch him up and when he comes back, I'll just explain it to him." She muttered, leaving him on the porch and going back inside.

Oh boy, fuck that shit.

The second she was out of earshot, Splendont got up and flew up. But his body still hadn't healed and he got a head rush from the act. He had to get to Splendid before she could spin some tale about what happen. Splendid was easily manipulated unlike him. It was why he had such a hard time with Fliqpy in the past, before they became lovers. Foxy had already established herself as his friend, so he wasn't sure if Splendid would believe if him he told him Foxy was mental. As soon as he got far enough, he heard Foxy cry out for him. He couldn't speed off, though, so he could hear her calling for him to come back.

Like hell I will you psychopath.

He reached into his pocket, but completely forgot he abandoned his phone when he flew away to escape Foxy. He felt his heart race in panic at the thought that if she was clever enough, she would use it against him. He just had to get to Splendid before anything else happened. Flaky didn't live too far away from them. He just had to get there.

Obsessive personality disorder. That's what was in her file and I ignored it for some pussy. Ugh.

A sudden pain had him dropping to the ground, luckily he caught himself and hovered over it before he felt the brunt of his weight hit him. Splendont hated dying. At all. He never reached passed five on the death scale, regardless of what happened. So, when the pain from where his organ had been hit registered, he realized he was going to die. Organ hits took longer to heal for him. He covered his mouth, but couldn't stop the blood and vomit from coming up, burning his throat. He coughed and groaned at that and had to drop onto his feet and run on foot.

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