Chapter Twenty-One

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Lifty stayed by Shifty's side when they came to the town that housed the robot, Clank and the Electric Hero, Zappy. Splendont had been very angry when he dropped Foxy on their front door when they had arrived. His mind was still a mess as he stared at the bruised face of his twin. He twitched every now and then, and cried in pain every two hours. That robot found severe bruising on his ribs and stomach and he was given some intense pain relievers and x-rays to insure there were no broken ribs or ruptured organs.

He clenched his brother's hat in his hands. He felt guilty. He should be the one on the bed laying there in pain, not Shifty. Shifty shouldn't have protected him. He should have been selfish like always and let Lifty take the fall. That was their dynamic. That's what Lifty was used to.

"Hey, Lifty. Come eat." He flinched and turned around to see Splendont standing in the doorway. "Shifty will be fine for a few minutes."

Lifty pouted and looked away, "I-I-I'll eat h-here."

"No, you will not." Suddenly, hands were under his arms and he was lifted off the chair he was rooted on.

Lifty squealed indignantly and looked at Splendont with a blush of embarrassment, "S-Splendont!"

Splendont wrapped his arms around him and walked out. Lifty struggled, but gave up when Splendont nuzzled his neck to stun him.

"Don't fight me on this. We have to keep your strength up. You're skin and bones, you know." Splendont teased, Lifty could feel him sniffing his neck and he held in a gasp at that.

"O-okay, ok-okay. Please, d-don't sniff m-me." He whimpered, goosebumps forming on his arms.

"You smell like pancakes. And I'm hungry." He blinked at the husky voice Splendont used and curled up ever so slightly. "I might not make it to the dining room."

Lifty looked at him with a startled face, "Y-you'd ea-eat m-me?"

"Of course." He whimpered, about to protest, but Splendont interrupted him with a kiss.

He moaned into it and flinched when he felt Splendont lick his lips. He shuddered and opened his mouth shyly, whimpering when his tongue entered his mouth. He flinched a few times and tried to escape his kiss, but melted when he got used to it. His face turned several shades of red, especially when he began to remember the night they shared together.

He managed to pull and look away when Splendont tried to kiss him again, "W-wait, wh-what i-i-if someone s-sees?"

Splendont smiled at that and kissed his cheek, "I wouldn't really mind. But if it bothers you I'll keep it to when we're behind closed doors."

Lifty glanced at him and nodded a bit, "Y-yes... that-that would be b-better..."

Splendont chuckled and kissed his cheek again, earning a squeak from Lifty. He continued on to the dining room, where Splendid and Flippy sat practically glued to the hip, eating. Zappy was on the other side of Flippy, away from Splendid and Lifty kind of grinned at that. He picked up Flippy was the possessive type. They all looked over at them once Splendont came in and sat by his brother, keeping Lifty firmly in his lap, which made him keep his face averted to avoid the stares.

"So, uh, when did this start?" Splendid asked, he was eating potato wedges.

Splendont shrugged, "This is kind of new. We went on a date like three days ago."

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