Chapter Fourteen

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A date. He wants a date? For what?

Lifty stared at his phone, checking to make sure Shifty was still out cold beside him on the bed. He stared at the last text Splendont sent. He wanted to respond, but wasn't sure how to. Was this a date as friends or a date as a couple? Considering the kisses Splendont gave him a while back, he assumed it was a date as a couple. He touched his lips and blushed when he thought back on it.

LiftyCoon: id like a daate

Splendont responded almost immediately. Lifty almost dropped his phone with how fast he responded.

Splendont: how about this week? on friday? i'll pick you up at 4pm. we can have dinner and go to the amusement park
LiftyCoon: ookay!

Lifty smiled and hid his phone when Shifty began to move around and groan. He sat up from the bed and looked over at his brother, who looked like shit if he was being honest. He frowned a bit, but smiled when Shifty began to open his eyes, breathing in deeply and stretching. Shifty rubbed his eyes and sat up before looking over at Lifty.


"G-good mo-morning," Lifty kept the smile up, hoping that his brother wouldn't be in a sour mood.

Shifty sighed and got up, staggering a bit and heading to the bathroom, "Get dressed. We have stuff to do today."

"A-ah, o-okay." Lifty got up and changed quickly while Shifty showered.

They needed some stuff. Food, toiletries, and more likely than not, Shifty was going to get more alcohol since he drank all of his stash last night. His mind buzzed a bit as he smiled, wondering if he'd run into Splendont today. The hero had a habit of coming into town recently and they'd more or less run into each other. However, it's been a little while due to the museum incident and the kissing, so Splendont probably won't be out.

Lifty glanced over at the hole in the wall. He wanted to play his game and make sure his figurine was still in tact, but Shifty was up and aware now. He'd be pissed if he caught Lifty with all of the things he got. Not to mention the money he hid in there. Lifty walked out of their room, ringing his hands together and tried to think of anything else. When he got nervous, he talked. A lot.

Shifty came out about twenty minutes later, cleaned up and dapper-looking. He glanced at Lifty before walking out passed him, Lifty trailing behind him. They walked in silence to town, which was weird because Shifty usually told him what they were going to do today. He fiddled with his scarf and forced his mouth shut. His silence was unnerving.


Splendont sat in the living room buzzing.

He agreed. I got a date.

Splendid was saying something to him, waving papers around with a serious look on his face. However, he was on cloud nine and unable to focus on his brother. He was nervous the whole night when Lifty didn't respond to his text right away. His face was blank as he was nodding along with whatever it was Splendid was saying, but inside he wanted to scream and shout.

"— and Foxy agreed to come meet here to discuss it more."

Splendont finally blinked at that, "What?"

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