Chapter Twenty-Nine

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"So, you're dating him for realsies now?"

Splendont was lounging around on the couch with Flippy. In an attempt to accept Lifty, Splendid invited the young raccoon out to go on an errand run and to accompany him to see Cuddles and a few others. Splendont opted not to go, stating that he didn't want to hover over Lifty and the social life he was attempting to build now that Shifty wasn't around to isolate him.

"Yeah. He's my boyfriend."

Since that night, Splendont accepted that Lifty wanted the label "boyfriends" to solidify their commitment to each other. He still wasn't comfortable with the label, considering he thought the dependency and obsession would become an issue, but surprisingly, it wasn't that bad. Lifty had even changed their contacts in their phones.

He was now SquirrelBF and Lifty was RaccoonBF. It was actually really cute.

"Still unsure about it?"

Splendont hummed, taking a sip from one of the cans of beer they were sharing, "No. I think after we actually talked about it... I felt a little better about it."

Flippy chuckled at this and downed the rest of his can before grabbing another one, "Gotta say, I really didn't expect you to follow through. I thought you'd still spout shit like "We're just friends with benefits!" "Why do you have to be dating?" "We were never dating!" You know, stuff like that."

Splendont pouted at this, "You try being in a committed relationship where you're emotionally stunted. Let's see how easy that would have been for you."

"Ha! Been there, done that." Splendont huffed at this, electing not to respond as he chugged down another can. The beer itself wouldn't get him drunk like a thirty-two ounce of whiskey could, but he enjoyed the taste. The same was true for Splendid and, now, Flippy. "So, is there anything you plan on changing now?"

"Other than the fact I refuse to have friends with benefits and become like a married, monogamous man? Not really. In fact, I'm planning on taking him to New Acorn this week. He's never seen the Statue of Liberty or the National Parks. Plus the M and M museum just opened up, so I'll take him there. He really likes that brand of chocolate."

"How long will you be gone?"

Splendont hummed before shrugging, "As long as Lifty wants to stay. But I'd say at least a week."

"Perfect. I've been wanting to try some BDSM with Splendid for a while now."

Splendont spit out his drink and coughed hard, "EW!"

Flippy laughed at this, "I've been meaning to have you leave for a bit before all that drama with Foxy came up and then Lifty started to live with us and I never got the chance to ask cause you two weren't on speaking terms."

"Stop talking. I will hit you."

"Go ahead. Last time, we won."

They stared each other down before Splendont broke eye contact with a grunt, "Whatever. I have more wins."

Flippy was becoming more and more bold, Fliqpy and his personalities seemed to mesh now. Sometime, unless he could see their eyes, it was hard to tell who was who. Though, his initial annoyance and borderline hatred for the two had steadily faded. It was a little unnerving how he was beginning to consider them a friend.

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