Chapter Twenty-Five

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"Y-you're n-not a-a g-good pe-person!"


It's been a few days since they returned home. Splendid came back around the evening, saying he was able to take Shifty home, but that was the extent of what happened. Shifty wouldn't talk to him about anything else or even cooperate with him. Apparently, he only managed to get Shifty to let him take him home was because he mentioned how expensive and long it would take to get home by foot or by cab.

After he tried to make-up with him regarding the fight that happened at Zappy's place, he hadn't tried to speak to Lifty, wanting to give him space. His head hurt and so did his chest. Lifty didn't think he was a good person, which was true, but it... hurt to hear him say it. Not to mention, Splendid still had yet to talk to him about what Shifty revealed to everyone, what with his extortion and all. He sighed and flopped onto the grass he was occupying somewhere in the woods by their house. The longer he stayed in the house where Lifty was, the more he wanted to go to him and seek out his warmth.

He didn't understand why Lifty was mad. In his mind, he couldn't see what exactly he did wrong. His intentions were genuine. He didn't lie about liking Lifty. He sincerely enjoyed being around Lifty. He liked being friends with him when he wasn't following his no-good brother around. Splendont rubbed his face and decided to wallow in his suffering. That was until a can hit his head and he sat up, ready to fight a bitch. He was tense until he saw Splendid coming over with a six-pack.

"Hey, bro."

Splendont frowned and grabbed the can that was thrown at his head, "Uh... ow..."

"That didn't hurt." Splendid sat down and opened a can himself. "Besides you deserve that. You have some explaining to do."

Splendont frowned and opened the can and chugged it, "I'm in no mood to be lectured right now."

"You're in no mood to be reminded you've been an idiot lately." Splendont glared at his brother before grabbing another can and stayed silent. "I think it's time you came clean to me, don't you think?"

He didn't speak and chose to sip on the can. He wasn't sure what to say to Splendid or even where to start. "I don't think I need to explain anything."

"Extorting money to save others?" Splendont winced at that and looked away, but Splendid pinched him and made him look over. "Tell me now. Is that true?"

Splendont stared at his brother, an overwhelming feeling bubbled in his chest before he looked away again, "... yeah... sometimes I do that..."


Splendont shrugged his shoulders, "I... haven't... done it in a while. Didn't feel like it..."

"Why did you do it then?"

"... I... don't know. I did it cause I could..." There was an ache that followed the statement that he couldn't understand. "Don't be surprised. It's what I did when we... weren't talking."

He could practically feel the frown Splendid pulled and dreaded the incoming disappointment his brother most likely had. When Splendid didn't say anything though, he looked back at his brother apprehensively.

"I don't understand why you do the things you do, Splendont. You're constantly switching between your ideals and morals, doing things you're not supposed to do, things you should do aren't being done... why do you act like this?"

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