Chapter LIII

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Orochimaru grinned at the mysterious man.

Orochimaru: Well, well. It looks like you finally showed up, Shiki. I missed you during our attack on Konoha a few weeks ago.

Shiki: You left me to deal with the Kazekage. Killing a Kage is no easy feat, and you know it.

(A/N: Yes, I'm changing Rasa's death.)

Tsunade looked at the man, whose name appeared to be Shiki.

Tsunade: You killed the Kazekage?

Shiki: Yes. I will admit, he had to have been the toughest opponent I've fought so far.

Orochimaru: I met with the Kazekage on their journey to the Leaf Village for the Chunin Exam final rounds. On the way there, I stabbed him and killed his guards, before disguising myself as the Kazekage.

Shiki: Obviously, one stab wound isn't enough to keep a Kage down, so Lord Orochimaru left me to deal with him.

Kabuto: And it took you the entirety of the attack to finally kill him. He was even wounded.

Shiki: Shut up, Kabuto. He was a Kage for God's sake. Besides, you wouldn't have lasted a second against him.

Kabuto: Oh, is that so?

The two started arguing with each other.

Tsunade/Orochimaru: 😐

Tsunade tried to get herself loose from the two snakes that were wrapped around her.

Orochimaru: Ah, yes. Those two do have a bit of a rivalry going on. Anyway, Tsunade, allow me to introduce you to Shiki, one of my most trusted followers and the bearer of the first Curse Mark.

Tsunade: What?

Orochimaru: Yes, it's amazing, isn't it? He was the first one I ever implanted a Curse Mark on and he hasn't died yet. Usually my first test subjects die right away. It was a wonderful surprise.

Tsunade: So I have to fight all three of you? Whatever. Bring it on!

She suddenly ripped the two snakes off of her and jumped in the air. She then tried to punch the ground that Shiki and Kabuto were standing on.

However, they both quickly moved out of the way, causing Tsunade's fist to hit the ground and create a crater.

Shiki: We'll have to finish our argument later then, Kabuto.

Kabuto: <nodding> First one to defeat her is the winner, all right?

Shiki grinned and nodded.

Orochimaru: <chuckling> You and your competitions.

The two men leapt at Tsunade. Just then, a smoke bomb hit Tsunade's chest, creating a puff of smoke.

Shiki and Kabuto jumped back, while Orochimaru's smile faltered.

Standing in front of Tsunade were Naruto, Jiraiya, Shizune, (Y/N), and Tonton.

Orochimaru: <to Jiraiya> It's been a long time, old friend.

Jiraiya: Long time, indeed. And I can't say it's improved your looks any, old friend.

Naruto and (Y/N) then noticed Kabuto.

Naruto/(Y/N): Huh?

Naruto: Hey! Kabuto.

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